Due to the fact that the patient who had being previously treated in the Hematology Department of the National MCH Center was tested Coronavirus positive and based on the expedient notification from Toguz-Toro district of Jalal-Abad region about this patient, who originates from this district- all patients, caregivers and health personnel of the MCH Center were tested for Coronavirus by PCR.
PCR diagnostics indicated positive result in 7 people (2 children, 3 mothers and 2 health workers). The remaining 20 health workers, 13 children and 7 mothers have negative results and will be monitored for 14 days.
The second branch of the National MCH Center is closed for patients’ admissions, but after its disinfection, due to the severity of condition 13 children continue to be managed in this branch, the staff of which observes all strict quarantine measures.
The observation facility was organized for 20 staff on the first and second floor of the building, and all health workers were provided with personal protective equipment.