Statistics on COVID-19 in Kyrgyzstan as of July 15, 2020

As of July 15, 2020, 439 new confirmed COVID-19 cases  were registered in the republic, 263 in women and 176 in men: 

Bishkek City- 172

Osh City - 53, 

Chui region - 70

Issyk-Kul region - 14

Osh region - 30

Naryn region - 1

Batken region - 66

Jalal-Abad region - 32

Talas region - 1

A total of 11 977 confirmed COVID-19 cases were registered in Kyrgyzstan. Of the registered positive cases - 6 323 are women, 5 654 - men:  

Bishkek City - 5454, 

Osh City - 1165, 

Batken region - 421, 

Jalal-Abad region - 714,  

Issyk-Kul region - 382, 

Naryn region - 654, 

Osh region - 729 

Chui region - 2122, 

Talas region - 96, 

among those who arrived from the city of Sol-Iletsk - 119, 

among the military personnel from the Russian Federation - 100, 

among the arrived from the Russian Federation - 21. 

105 new cases of COVID-19 were registered today among health workers:

Bishkek City- 25,

Osh City - 19,

Chui region - 13,

Osh region - 14,

Jalal-Abad region - 5,

Issyk-Kul region - 8,

Batken region - 21. 

Total number of health workers diagnosed with COVID-19 is 1980 cases, of which were discharged from hospitals with recovery today. In total, 576 health workers were discharged in the republic with recovery.      

645 people with previously confirmed COVID – 19 are currently being treated in hospitals of the republic, of which 139 are in severe condition, including 18 in intensive care units. 420 patients are in moderate-severe condition, 102- in satisfactory condition, 5858 people are not hospitalized / self-isolated at home (1654recovered).

Over the past 24 hours, 91 patients with previously confirmed COVID-19  diagnosis have been discharged from hospitals of the republic with negative test results:  

Bishkek City - 41

Chui region - 19

Osh City - 5

Osh region - 6

Naryn region - 11

Issyk-Kul region - 2

Jalal-Abad region - 5

Talas region - 1

Batken region - 1

In total, 3660 patients were discharged from hospitals with recovery. 

In addition, 228 (1654) people from the ones in home-based isolation recovered during the day. The total number of recovered people is 5314.      

During the day, 11 deaths from Coronavirus infection were registered in hospitals of the republic:

Kyrgyz-Turkish hospital - patient (male, 63 years old),

City Clinical Hospital No. 1 - patient (male, 64 years old),

RCIDH - 1 ( female, 72 years old,

NTB C - 1 (male, 64 years old),

Zhayil TH - patients (women - 54, 61 years old),

Batken regional hospital - patients (man, 49 years old, woman, 58 years old),

Nookat TH - patient (woman, 53 years old),

Ton TH - patients (male, 58 years old, female, 36 years old). 

In total, 160 deaths from COVID-19 were registered.                  


Total number of tests conducted in the last 24 hours - 3 095.        
