Statistical information as of 27.07.2020
On the recovered people:
Over the past day , 817 patients have recovered and were discharged from the hospitals of the republic with previous laboratory and clinical and epidemiologically confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis:
445 - Bishkek City,
90 - Osh City,
66 - Chui region,
37 – Osh region,
7- Talas region,
- Naryn region,
7 - Issyk-Kul region,
105 - Jalal-Abad region and
59- Batken region.
As of today, the total number of people discharged with recovery: 21205
Region |
Laboratory confirmed |
Clinical and epidemiological |
Bishkek |
263 |
182 |
Osh City |
34 |
56 |
Chui |
40 |
26 |
Naryn |
0 |
1 |
Issyk- Kul |
7 |
0 |
Talas |
0 |
7 |
Jalal-Abad |
57 |
48 |
Batken |
44 |
15 |
Osh |
13 |
24 |
Total: |
458 |
359 |
On the new cases:
As of July 27, 2020, total of 483 new cases of laboratory and clinically and epidemiologically confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 were registered in the republic today:
Bishkek City - 154 cases,
Osh City - 59,
Chui region - 21,
Issyk-Kul region - 72,
Osh region - 39,
Batken region - 32,
Jalal-Abad region - 70,
Talas region - 27,
Naryn region - 9 cases.
Total of 33 296 cases were registered during the entire period.
Laboratory and clinically and epidemiologically confirmed COVID-19 cases by regions:
Region |
Laboratory confirmed |
Clinical and epidemiological |
Bishkek City |
19 |
135 |
Chui |
12 |
9 |
Osh City |
32 |
27 |
Naryn |
1 |
8 |
Issyk- Kul |
4 |
68 |
Talas |
8 |
19 |
Jalal-Abad |
32 |
38 |
Batken |
21 |
11 |
Osh |
20 |
19 |
On the people on treatment in hospitals:
Today, 10 801 people are being treated in in-patient facilities all over the country, of them 4722 with laboratory confirmed COVID- 19 - 6079 patients with clinically & epidemiologically confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis:
Bishkek City - 4395,
Osh City - 655,
Chui region - 1313,
Issyk-Kul region - 1047,
Osh region - 1231,
Batken region - 569 ,
Jalal-Abad region - 942,
Talas region - 386,
Naryn region - 263.
On the lethal outcomes:
Over the last day, 24 deaths were registered in the KR: 3 deaths from laboratory confirmed and 21 deaths from clinically and epidemiologically confirmed COVID:
Bishkek city - 6,
Osh City - 1,
Chui region - 1,
Issyk-Kul region - 4,
Osh region - 1,
Batken region - 1,
Jalal-Abad region - 6,
Talas region - 3,
Naryn region - 1.
Total of 1301 lethal outcomes were registered in the republic by now.
On Health Workers:
22 new COVID-19 cases were registered today among health workers:
Osh City - 1,
Chui region - 3,
Osh region - 6,
Jalal-Abad region - 7,
Batken region - 4,
Naryn region - 1.
The total number of health workers diagnosed with COVID-19 is 2683 cases, of which 10 were discharged from hospitals with recovery today. In addition, 84 health workers were discharged from home-based self-isolation with recovery.
In total, 1478 health workers were discharged from hospitals of the republic with recovery.
Медицинские работники
Среди медицинских работников за сутки зарегистрировано 22 новых случая COVID-19. В г.Ош – 1, в Чуйской области – 3, в Ошской области – 6, в Джалал-Абадской области – 7, в Баткенской области – 4, в Нарынской области - 1. Общее количество медицинских работников с диагнозом COVID-19 составляет 2683 случаев, из которых за сутки выписаны из стационаров с выздоровлением – 10 медицинских работников. Кроме того из домашней самоизоляции выписаны с выздоровлением – 84 медицинских работника. Всего по республике выписаны с выздоровлением - 1478 мед. работников.