As of July 6, 2020, 314 new confirmed COVID-19 cases were registered in the republic. Among new cases -181 are women, 133 men:
Bishkek City- 161 cases,
Osh city - 41 cases,
Chui region - 25 cases,
Issyk-Kul region - 21 cases,
Osh region - 26 cases,
Naryn region - 15 cases,
Batken region - 10 cases,
Jalal-Abad region - 15.
All 314 new cases are local.
In Kyrgyzstan, total of 7691 confirmed COVID-19 cases were registered. Of the registered positive cases - 3951 are women, 3740 – men:
Bishkek City - 3205,
Osh City - 824,
Batken region - 162,
Jalal-Abad region - 431,
Issyk-Kul region - 221,
Naryn region - 561,
Osh region - 556,
Chui region - 1410,
Talas region - 81,
among the arrived from the city of Sol - Iletsk - 119,
among the servicemen from the RF - 100,
among the arrived from the RF - 21.
50 new cases of COVID-19 were registered today among health workers:
Bishkek City - 23,
Chui region - 4,
Osh City - 7,
Osh region - 4,
Naryn region - 6,
Issyk-Kul region - 5,
Batken region - 1.
The total number of health diagnosed with COVID-19 is 1147 cases, of which 3 were discharged from hospitals with recovery today.
The total number of health workers discharged with recovery in the country is - 503.
625 people with previously confirmed COVID - 19 are being treated in hospitals of the republic, of which 100 are in severe condition, including 22 in intensive care units. 326 patients are in moderate condition, 199 - in satisfactory; 4131 people are not hospitalized/self-isolated at home.
Over the last day, 41 patients with previous diagnosis of COVID-19 were discharged from hospitals in the republic with negative test results :
Bishkek City- 25,
Chui region - 1,
Osh City - 8,
Osh region - 3,
Jalal-Abad region - 2,
Batken region - 2.
In all, 2843 patients were discharged with recovery throughout the country by now.
4 deaths from Coronavirus infection were reported today from the republic's hospitals:
- RCIDH - 1 patient (male , 73 years old),
- Osh City Clinical Hospital - 1 (male , 53 years old),
- Tokmok TH - 1 (male , 86 years old),
- Issyk-Ata TH - 1 (male , 41 years old).
The total COVID-19 associated deaths registered – 92.
Number of tests performed over the past day - 2 292.