COVID-19: Case demographics

Full details of the confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand.

Last updated 1pm 05 July 2021.

All data on this page is as at 9:00 am on 05 July 2021 unless otherwise stated.

Data is collected from the EpiSurv database (administered by ESR) unless otherwise stated.

On this page:

COVID-19 and ethnicity

Total cases and tests by ethnicity
  Total cases since first NZ case Total tests for COVID-19 to date
Māori 210 310,387
Pacific peoples 200 272,820
Asian 695 385,515
European/other 1,637 1,239,428
Unknown 16 109,021
Total 2,758 2,317,171

Note: This table shows the number of tests, and some people are tested more than once.

Cases by ethnicity

COVID-19 cases by ethnicity - the table following this image contains relevant data

Cases of COVID-19 by ethnicity
Ethnicity* Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases since first case Percentage of all cases
Māori 1 204 5 210 7.6%
Pacific peoples 0 199 1 200 7.3%
Asian 18 677 0 695 25.2%
Middle Eastern, Latin American and African (MELAA) 3 131 2 136 4.9%
European or Other 14 1469 18 1501 54.4%
Unknown 3 13 0 16 0.6%
Total 39 2693 26 2758 100%

* The prioritised ethnicity classification system is used in this table and below. This means each person is allocated to a single ethnic group, based on the ethnic groups they identify with. Where people identify with more than one group, they are assigned in this order of priority: Māori, Pacific Peoples, Asian, and European/Other. So, if a person identifies as being Māori and New Zealand European, the person is counted as Māori. See Ngā tapuae me ngā raraunga: Methods and data sources for further information.

The data categorized by ethnicity come from National Health Index (NHI) data collection, linked to data held in the EpiSurv database.

COVID-19 by age and sex

Cases by age

COVID-19 cases by age - the table after this image contains relevant data

COVID-19 cases by age group
Age group Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases Percentage of all cases
0 to 9 6 138 0 144 5.2%
10 to 19 4 233 0 237 8.6%
20 to 29 12 651 0 663 24%
30 to 39 5 555 0 560 20.3%
40 to 49 5 382 0 387 14%
50 to 59 7 374 3 384 13.9%
60 to 69 0 239 3 242 8.8%
70 to 79 0 91 7 98 3.6%
80 to 89 0 26 8 34 1.2%
90+ 0 4 5 9 0.3%
Total 39 2693 26 2758 100%

Cases by sex

Total cases of COVID-19 by sex
Sex Active (confirmed and probable) Recovered Deceased Total cases Percentage of all cases
Female 16 1358 12 1386 50%
Male 23 1335 14 1372 50%
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0%
Total 39 2693 26 2758 100%

Cases by hospitalisation and intensive care

Cases in hospital and in intensive care (ICU) by age 

Age group Total people hospitalised Total people in ICU
0 to 9 1 0
10 to 19 3 1
20 to 29 7 1
30 to 39 18 2
40 to 49 17 3
50 to 59 30 4
60 to 69 25 4
70 to 79 18 4
80 to 89 8 0
90+ 4 0
Total 131 19

Cases in hospital and in intensive care by sex 

Sex Total people hospitalised Total people in ICU
Female 66 6
Male 65 13
Total 131 19

Note: To protect privacy ICU status has not been updated since June 15, 2021

Details of past cases

We publish details about every person with COVID-19 (confirmed or probable) in a downloadable spreadsheet below. For privacy reasons, this data only includes:

  • Date potential case was notified
  • Sex of case
  • Age group of case
  • DHB where the case lives - listed as "Managed isolation & quarantine" for border cases
  • If the case is related to overseas travel

This file covers all cases from 26 February 2020 to 05 July 2021.

COVID-19 case details through 05 July 2021 (CSV, 194 KB)

Researchers can request detailed data on COVID-19 in New Zealand by sending an email to the Ministry of Health COVID-19 Response and Coordination team - [email protected]

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