COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)

There are currently outbreaks overseas of a new disease called COVID-19. This section provides the latest updates, information and advice on COVID-19.

Current situation

New Zealand has twelve confirmed cases of COVID-19. For a summary of the current status see our media release (17 March) and our update about the twelfth case.

With continued vigilance the chance of widespread community outbreak is expected to remain low.

New border measures are in place as of Monday 16 March. Most travellers arriving in New Zealand are now required to self isolate for 14 days – check our information for travellers arriving to New Zealand to find out more.

If you have been overseas within the last 14 days and develop a fever, cough or shortness of breath, phone Healthline’s dedicated COVID-19 number 0800 358 5453 or contact your GP, including phoning ahead of your visit.

For COVID-19 health advice and information, contact the Healthline team (for free) on 0800 358 5453 or +64 9 358 5453 for international SIMS.

Latest updates

Our advice is under active review and is updated regularly. The latest updates include the following changes to the website:

17 March:

16 March:

15 March:

13 March:

12 March:

11 March:

10 March:

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