This section provides the latest updates, information and advice on COVID-19.
Current situation
New Zealand has 368 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19. For a summary of the current status see our latest media release (27 March). More information is available on our current cases page. With continued vigilance the chance of widespread community outbreak is expected to remain low.
New Zealand is currently at Alert Level 4 – Eliminate
These alert levels specify the public health and social measures to be taken. Nationwide, New Zealand is currently at Level 4 – Eliminate. This means that it is likely that the disease is not contained. See more information about Alert levels.
Find out how to look after your mental health and wellbeing when you have to stay at home.
Health and care workers - expressions of interest for COVID-19 response
We are seeking expressions of interest from health and care professionals who are able and willing to work for a limited amount of time as part of the national strategic approach to managing COVID-19. Find out more
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
What's important for you to know about PPE
For COVID-19 health advice and information, contact the Healthline team (for free) on 0800 358 5453 or +64 9 358 5453 for international SIMS.
Latest updates
Our advice is under active review and is updated regularly. The latest updates include the following changes to the website:
27 March:
- Advice for aged care providers has moved
- Updated close contact definition
- Guidance on use of personal protective equipment
- Updated face mask and hygiene advice
26 March:
- Update for Disability and Aged Care Providers on Alert Level 4
- Updated self-isolation or low-level quarantine requirements
- Updated current case details
- Updated essential services in the health and disability system with list of hospital services
- Increasing the health workforce capacity – we are seeking expressions of interest from health and care professionals
25 March:
- Updated New Zealand passengar arrival measures
- Information on essential health and disability services
- COVID-19 Epidemic Notice
- Advice for older people
24 March:
23 March:
- New information for home and community support service workers
- Updated information for people who receive home support
- Updated advice for health professionals
- Advice for wellbeing in self-isolation
- Updated advice for public events and mass gatherings
- Updated advice for workplaces
- New form for notifying cases to the NHCC
- Updated guidance for health staff implementing home care
- Updated information for disabled people and their family and whānau
22 March:
- Primary Care Quick Reference Guide updated
- Questions and answers for primary health care workers updated
21 March:
- New information for community-based midwives
- Updated resources for primary care
- Information on alert levels added to the questions and answers
- Update on managed restricted access to aged care facilities
- Updated health pratique form