COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)

This section provides the latest updates, information and advice on COVID-19.

Current situation

New Zealand has 1,239 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19. For a summary of the current status see our latest media release (9 April). More information is available on our current cases page. With continued vigilance the chance of widespread community outbreak is expected to remain low.

New Zealand is currently at Alert Level 4 – Eliminate. This means that it is likely that the disease is not contained. See more information about Alert levels.

Find out how to look after your mental health and wellbeing during Alert Level 4.

Important updates

  • Contact tracing phone calls: If you have been identified as a close contact, you can expect calls from Ministry of Health and Healthline. It is important to answer your phone. Find out how to recognise a call from the Ministry or Healthline at Contact tracing.
  • Join the COVID-19 surge workforce: We are seeking expressions of interest from health and care professionals who are able and willing to work for a limited amount of time as part of the national strategic approach to managing COVID-19. Find out more.
  • Personal protective equiptment (PPE): What's important for you to know about PPE for essential workers.

For COVID-19 health advice and information, contact the Healthline team (for free) on 0800 358 5453 or +64 9 358 5453 for international SIMS.

Latest updates

Our advice is under active review and is updated regularly. The latest updates include the following changes to the website:

9 April:

8 April:

7 April:

6 April:

5 April:

4 April:

3 April:

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