COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)

This section provides the latest updates, information and advice on COVID-19.

Current situation

There are 13 new cases of COVID-19 today.

As is our usual protocol we are tracing all close and casual contacts of these cases, and getting them tested for COVID-19. All close contacts will remain in self-isolation for 14 days, and all casual contacts will remain in self isolation until they have returned a negative test.

There are now 49 active cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand. See our current cases page.

Alert levels
As of midday on Wednesday August 12 the Auckland region (Auckland Council area) is at Alert Level 3 for 3 days until midnight on Friday 14 August. The rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 2. Find out more from the Unite Against COVID-19 website.

Where to get a test for COVID-19 in Auckland 

If you have symptoms you can:

  • get a test at most GPs – call ahead to find out if you need a test and follow their advice
  • get a test at a Community Testing Centre – this list will continue to be updated.

People in other regions can check their local district health board website to find out about testing in their area.

For COVID-19 health advice and information, contact the Healthline team (for free) on 0800 358 5453 or +64 9 358 5453 for international SIMS.

Health & Disability Services at :


Alert Level 3


Alert Level 2

Rest of New Zealand

NZ COVID Tracer app  

The official Ministry of Health contact tracing app helps you keep a digital diary of the places you’ve been.

Find out more >

Latest updates

Our advice is under active review and is updated regularly. The latest updates include the following changes to the website:

14 August:

13 August:

12 August:

7 August:

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