COVID-19: Current cases

Information about confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 in New Zealand.

Last updated 1pm 04 September 2021.

All data on this page is as at 9:00 am on 04 September 2021 unless otherwise stated.

Data is collected from the EpiSurv database (administered by ESR) unless otherwise stated.

On this page:

See also:

Current situation

New cases reported during the past 24 hours 22*
Active cases At the border 23
In the community 728
Under investigation/other 0
Total 751
Most recent case reported 04 September 2021
Most recent case reported due to community transmission (spread within our communities) 04 September 2021

* There are 22 new cases.Three previously reported cases have been reclassified. Total net change is 19 cases.

All case outcomes since first New Zealand case**
COVID-19 cases Change in last 24 hours Total
Active -5 750
Recovered 23 2971
Deceased 1 27

** 1 new death was reported in EpiSurv after 9:00am. It will be included in the aggregate figures in the next update tomorrow.

Case details

Number of active cases
  Change in last 24 hours Total at present Total since first NZ case
Confirmed -4 750 3391
Probable 0 1 357
Total -4 751 3748
Location of active cases
  Change in last 24 hours Total at present
In managed facilities 27 339
In hospital 0 43
At home or in self-isolation -11 84
Not in isolation 0 0
Other -20 285

Note:At current case levels, to protect privacy, only limited data will be provided about hospitalisations.
Hospitaliation data is based on "Covid Hospital Questionnaire Summary" by 9:30 am

Source of active cases
  Change in last 24 hours Total at present
People who travelled internationally and were diagnosed in managed facilities at the border -2 23
People in close contact with someone who caught COVID-19 while overseas 0 0
Caught COVID-19 from someone locally 16 443
Caught COVID-19 within NZ, but source is unknown 0 0
Under investigation -18 285
Active case - confirmed Confirmed cases are people that have been tested, and the test confirms they have COVID-19 (ie, a positive test). For more details, see the COVID-19 case definition.
Active case - probable A probable case is when someone is diagnosed based on their exposure to other people with COVID-19 and on their symptoms. 
In managed facilities In managed isolation or quarantine facilities; hospitalisation not needed  
Recovered Recovered cases are people who had the virus, where at least 10 days have passed since their symptoms started and they have not had symptoms for 72 hours, and they have been cleared by the health professional responsible for their monitoring.


More information

Cases reported each day

Daily confirmed and probable cases

Total confirmed and probable cases over time
New COVID-19 cases reported each day


This graph shows the count of all cases of COVID-19 every day (all cases - active, recovered and deceased) since the first New Zealand case in late February 2020. The graph shows the rapidly increasing number of cases day-by-day from late March until the rate slowed through April as the restrictions during Alert Levels 4 and 3 took hold. The number of active cases increased rapidly until mid-April, peaked in early-April during Alert Level 4, and then decreased to low levels of active cases remaining each day from late-May, mainly at the border isolation facilities. Cases increased again from mid-August due to the Auckland August cluster.

COVID-19 by location

Total cases by DHB

Total cases of COVID-19 by DHB


This bar graph shows the total cases and their status by District Health Board (DHB) and in managed isolation and quarantine facilities.

The Managed Isolation and Quarantine data group shows the number of cases in managed isolation or quarantine facilities. They are not included in the DHB totals. Before 17 June, people in managed isolation or quarantine facilities were included in the total of the relevant DHB.

Managed isolation and quarantine facilities are located in Auckland (Auckland DHB), Hamilton (Waikato DHB), Rotorua (Lakes DHB), Wellington (Capital and Coast DHB) and Christchurch (Canterbury DHB).

Total cases by location
Location Active Recovered Deceased Total Change in last 24 hours
Auckland 141 237 1 379 6
Bay of Plenty 0 48 0 48 0
Canterbury 0 156 12 168 0
Capital and Coast 15 96 2 113 0
Counties Manukau 408 252 1 661 4
Hawke's Bay 0 44 0 44 0
Hutt Valley 0 24 0 24 0
Lakes 0 16 0 16 0
Mid Central 0 33 0 33 0
Nelson Marlborough 0 49 0 49 0
Northland 0 28 0 28 0
South Canterbury 0 17 0 17 0
Southern 0 215 2 217 0
Tairāwhiti 0 4 0 4 0
Taranaki 0 16 0 16 0
Waikato 0 193 2 195 0
Wairarapa 0 8 0 8 0
Waitematā 164 315 4 483 9
West Coast 0 4 1 5 0
Whanganui 0 9 0 9 0
Managed Isolation & Quarantine 23 1207 1 1231 0
Total 751 2971 26 3748 19

Note: we cannot give detailed information about cases in your district, city or town, as we must protect the privacy of the people concerned.

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