COVID-19 Local Situation Report (Latest)
Data updated as at 18 April 2020, 1200 hrs
18 April 2020 Daily Report on COVID-19
(1) Number of COVID-19 Cases
Figure 1.1: Number of Cases Reported Over the Past 14 Days1
1Table format updated to reflect the breakdown between (i) imported cases which are managed through our Stay-Home Notice regime; (ii) community cases which are managed through our circuit breaker measures; (iii) work permit holder cases not residing in dorms; and (iv) cases residing in dorms which are managed through our targeted suite of measures in dormitories.
2Includes cases pending epi-investigation.
3Includes cases pending epi-investigation.
4Population at risk for community cases includes SC/PRs and other types of passes holders not residing in dormitories. Source: MOM and Singstat.
Figure 1.2: Epidemic Curve of the COVID-19 Outbreak by Press Release Date
Figure 1.3: Epidemic Curve of the COVID-19 Outbreak by Press Release Date5
5Chart format updated to reflect the breakdown between (i) imported cases which are managed through our Stay-Home Notice regime; (ii) community cases which are managed through our circuit breaker measures; (iii) work permit holder cases not residing in dorms; and (iv) cases residing in dorms which are managed through our targeted suite of measures in dormitories.
Figure 1.4: Epidemic Curve of Community Linked and Community Unlinked Cases by Press Release Date (left panel) and by Symptom Onset or Notification Date6 (right panel)
6Date of notification was used for cases that did not display any symptoms. The numbers with onset in the past few days may see an increase as more cases are notified.
Figure 1.5: Epidemic Curve of Linked and Unlinked Cases among Work Permit Holders not Residing in Dorms by Press Release Date (left panel) and by Symptom Onset or Notification Date7 (right panel)
7Date of notification was used for cases that did not display any symptoms. The numbers with onset in the past few days may see an increase as more cases are notified.
Figure 1.6: Average Number of Days from Onset of Symptoms to Isolation for Community Unlinked Cases in Each Day (by Press Release Date)
Line represents the 14-day moving average, Bar represents the daily average.
(2) Number of COVID-19 Cases in Hospitals and Community Isolation Facilities
Figure 2.1: Summary of Cases by Status (Past 14 Days)
* A patient passed away from ischaemic heart disease on 8 Apr, not due to complications from COVID-19. This
case has been reclassified from “Demised” to “Discharged”.
8Decanted to Community Isolation Facilities (i.e. D’ Resort, EXPO), Private Hospitals (i.e. Concord International Hospital, Mt Elizabeth Hospital, Gleneagles Hospital, Mt Alvernia Hospital, Mt Elizabeth Novena Hospital, Parkway East Hospital, Farrer Park Hospital), and Community Hospitals (Bright Vision Hospital, St. Andrew’s Community Hospital, Yishun Community Hospital, Jurong Community Hospital).
9S11 confirmed cases were classified on 9 Apr under “General Ward”.
10S11 confirmed cases were re-classified on 10 Apr under “Decanted and in isolation”
(3) Number of Stay-Home-Notice (SHN) Issued
Figure 3.1: Daily Number of SHN issued
Figure 3.2: Active Stock Number of SHN (Home) and SHN (Hotel)
(4) Number of Quarantine Order (QO) Issued
Figure 4.1: Total and Daily Number of QOs Issued
Figure 4.2: Active Number of Persons Under Quarantine (PUQs)11
HQO = Home Quarantine Order
GQF = Government Quarantine Facility
GIA = Gazetted Isolation Area
11Excludes PUQs admitted to hospitals.