Media Statement

Today, we wish to reiterate our plea to South Africans to heed the threat of the rising numbers of COVID-19 cases identified. There is clear evidence of an exponential rise in transmission and this is cause for serious concern. As of today, a cumulative total of 836 764 cases have been reported with 8 166 new cases.

Province Total cases for 10 December 2020 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 142 834 17,1
Free State 59 574 7,1
Gauteng 241 495 28,9
KwaZulu-Natal 135 853 16,2
Limpopo 19 021 2,3
Mpumalanga 31 998 3,8
North West 35 328 4,2
Northern Cape 23 576 2,8
Western Cape 147 085 17,6
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 836764 100,0

Testing Data 

A cumulative 5 735 470 tests have been completed, of which 45 207 have been conducted since the last report.

Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 3 309 275 58% 26 831 59%
PUBLIC 2 426 195 42% 18 376 41%
Total 5 735 470   45 207  

Deaths and Recoveries

Regrettably, we report 173 more COVID-19 related deaths: Eastern Cape 90, Free State 13, Gauteng 8, KwaZulu-Natal 10 and Western Cape 52 which brings the total to 22 747 deaths.

We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health workers that treated the deceased patients.

Province Total Deaths Total Recoveries
Eastern Cape 5 206 126 748
Free State 2 043 53 068
Gauteng 5 077 229 789
KwaZulu-Natal 3 423 119 776
Limpopo 512 18 041
Mpumalanga 617 30 831
North West 566 33 918
Northern Cape 333 21 023
Western Cape 4 970 123 477
Total 22 747 756 671

Recoveries now stand at 756 671.

 Dr Zwelini Mkhize

Minister of Health


Diseases A-Z Index



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