As of today, the cumulative total of COVID-19 cases identified in South Africa is 1 231 597.




Province Total cases for 10 January 2021 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 180689 14,7
Free State 66760 5,4
Gauteng 333842 27,1
KwaZulu-Natal 252115 20,5
Limpopo 37197 3,0
Mpumalanga 45894 3,7
North West 46451 3,8
Northern Cape 27648 2,2
Western Cape 241001 19,6
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 1231597 100,0


A cumulative total of 7 183 893 tests have been completed with 63 046 tests conducted since the last report



Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 4 174 664 58% 36 080 57%
PUBLIC 3 009 229 42% 26 966 43%
Total 7 183 893   63 046  



Regrettably, we report a further 339 COVID-19 related deaths: Eastern Cape 77 , Free State 19, Gauteng 28, Kwa-Zulu Natal 71, Limpopo 14, Mpumalanga 10, Northern Cape 7 and Western Cape

  1. This brings the total deaths to 33 163.


We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased.


Our recoveries now stand at 966 368, representing a recovery rate of 78,4%


Province Total Deaths Total


Active Cases
Eastern Cape 8739 165 060 6 890
Free State 2295 56 172 8 293
Gauteng 6170 281 400 46 272
KwaZulu-Natal 5241 154 240 92 634
Limpopo 677 26 453 10 067
Mpumalanga 707 37 370 7 817
North West 703 35 741 10 007
Northern Cape 444 23 529 3 675
Western Cape 8187 186 403 46 411
Total 33 163 966 368 232 066


Dr Zwelini Mkhize Minister of Health ENDS

Diseases A-Z Index



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