As announced by His Excellency President MC Ramaphosa, the cumulative total of COVID-19 cases identified in South Africa is 1 246 643 with 15 046 new cases identified since the last report.

Province Total cases for 11 January 2021 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 181532 14,6
Free State 67337 5,4
Gauteng 338071 27,1
KwaZulu-Natal 255819 20,5
Limpopo 38878 3,1
Mpumalanga 46830 3,8
North West 47021 3,8
Northern Cape 27973 2,2
Western Cape 243182 19,5
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 1246643 100,0

A cumulative total of 7 236 389 tests have been completed with 52 496 tests conducted since the last report

Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 4 196 584 58% 21 920 42%
PUBLIC 3 039 805 42% 30 576 58%
Total 7 236 389   52 496  

Regrettably, we report a further 416 deaths: Eastern Cape 163 , Free State 30, Kwa-Zulu Natal 38, Mpumalanga 4, North West 4, Northern Cape 1 and Western Cape 176. This brings the total deaths to 33 579.We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased.

Our recoveries now stand at 973 265, representing a recovery rate of 78,1%

Province Total Deaths Total Recoveries Active Cases
Eastern Cape 8902 166 092 6 538
Free State 2325 56 232 8 780
Gauteng 6170 281 400 50 501
KwaZulu-Natal 5279 157 164 93 376
Limpopo 677 28 237 9 964
Mpumalanga 711 38 240 7 879
North West 707 35 741 10 573
Northern Cape 445 23 756 3 772
Western Cape 8363 186 403 48 416
Total 33 579 973 265 239 799

Dr. Zwelini Mkhize
Minister of Health ENDS…

Diseases A-Z Index



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