Media Statement

As of today the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases for South Africa is 1 528 414. 

Province Total cases for 13 March 2021 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 194 314 12,7
Free State 81 327 5,3
Gauteng 408 921 26,8
KwaZulu-Natal 331 687 21,7
Limpopo 62 650 4,1
Mpumalanga 72 818 4,8
North West 62 079 4,1
Northern Cape 34 718 2,3
Western Cape 279 900 18,3
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 1 528 414                                                          100,0

 Testing Data: 

The cumulative total of tests conducted is 9 426 589 with 32 862 tests completed since the last report.

Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 5 305 075 56% 15 734 48%
PUBLIC 4 121 514 44% 17 128 52%
Total 9 426 589   32 862  

Deaths and Recoveries 

Regrettably we report 82 more COVID-19 related deaths: Eastern Cape 1, Free State 9, Gauteng 7, Kwa-Zulu Natal 9, Limpopo 0, Mpumalanga 3, North West 42, Northern Cape 0 and Western Cape 11 which brings the total to 51 261 deaths. We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased.

Our cumulative recoveries today stand at 1 452 988 representing a recovery rate of 95%.

Province Total Deaths Total Recoveries Active Cases
Eastern Cape 11 322 182 714 278
Free State 3 466 75 243 2 618
Gauteng 9 999 396 094 2 828
KwaZulu-Natal 9 812 315 185 6 690
Limpopo 1 948 60 025 677
Mpumalanga 1 294 70 374 1 150
North West 1 291 57 937 2 851
Northern Cape 781 32 018 1 919
Western Cape 11 348 263 398 5 154
Total 51 261 1 452 988 24 165

Vaccination Rollout

The number of health care workers vaccinated under the Sisonke Protocol is 145 544 as at 18.30 13 March 2021.

Dr Zwelini Mkhize

Minister of Health


Diseases A-Z Index



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