Media Statement

As of today the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in South Africa is 1 494 119. 

Province Total cases for 16 February 2021 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 193 413 12,9
Free State 78 756 5,3
Gauteng 399 168 26,7
KwaZulu-Natal 325 279 21,8
Limpopo 60 829 4,1
Mpumalanga 69 157 4,6
North West 59 618 4,0
Northern Cape 33 162 2,2
Western Cape 274 737 18,4
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 1 494 119 100,0

The cumulative total of tests conducted to date is 8 737 330 with 24 486 new tests recorded since the last report.

Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 4 923 254 56% 14 612 60%
PUBLIC 3 814 076 44% 9 874 40%
Total 8 737 330   24 486  

Deaths and Recoveries

Regrettably, 219 deaths have been reported: Eastern Cape 20, Free State 9, Gauteng 56, KwaZulu-Natal 43, Limpopo 29, Mpumalanga 10, Northern Cape 14 and Western Cape 38 which brings the total to 48 313 deaths. 

We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased patients.

Our recoveries now stand at 1 396 951, representing a recovery rate of 93,5%.

Province Total Deaths Total Recoveries Active Cases
Eastern Cape 11 150 181 385 878
Free State 3 010 68 639 7 107
Gauteng 9 295 384 945 4 928
KwaZulu-Natal 9 359 299 053 16 867
Limpopo 1 662 57 971 1 196
Mpumalanga 1 199 66 422 1 536
North West 1 057 52 999 5 562
Northern Cape 641 29 517 3 004
Western Cape 10 940 256 020 7 777
Total 48 313 1 396 951 48 855

Dr. Zwelini Mkhize

Minister of Health


Diseases A-Z Index



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