Media Statement

As of today,  the cumulative number of detected COVID-19 cases is 757 144 with 2 888 new cases identified since the last report. 

Province Total cases for 18 November 2020 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 112 018 14,8
Free State 58 567 7,7
Gauteng 232 147 30,7
KwaZulu-Natal 125 282 16,5
Limpopo 18 276 2,4
Mpumalanga 30 799 4,1
North West 34 431 4,5
Northern Cape 22 796 3,0
Western Cape 122 828 16,2
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 757 144 100,0


The cumulative number of tests conducted to date is 5 189 580 with 28 703 new tests conducted since the last report.

Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 3 002 712 58% 18 626 65%
PUBLIC 2 186 868 42% 10 077 35%
Total 5 189 580   28 703  

Total Deaths and Recoveries

Regrettably, 123 more COVID-19 related deaths have been reported: Eastern Cape 35, Free State 31, Gauteng 4, Kwa-Zulu Natal 3, Limpopo 7, North West 31 and Western Cape 12. This brings the total deaths to 20 556. Of the 123 deaths 17 reportedly occurred in past 24 hours: 4 in Eastern Cape, 2 in Gauteng, 11 in Western Cape.

We extend our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health- care workers that treated the deceased patients.

Our recoveries now stand at 701 534 which translates to a recovery rate of 92,6%.




Total Deaths


Total Recoveries


Active Cases

Gauteng 4 935 225 067 2 145
KwaZulu-Natal 3 297 116 536 5 449
Western Cape 4 487 112 638 5 703
Eastern Cape 4 157 99 900 7 961
Free State 1 739 49 082 7 746
North West 541 32 391 1 499
Mpumalanga 612 29 772 415
Limpopo 487 17 387 402
Northern Cape 301 18 761 3 734
Total 20 556 701 534 35 054


Dr. Zwelini Mkhize

Minister of Health


Diseases A-Z Index



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