Media Statement

19 January 2021

As of today the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases identified on South Africa is 1 356 716





Total cases for 19 January 2021


Percentage total

Eastern Cape 187552 14,0
Free State 71237 5,3
Gauteng 366432 27,0
KwaZulu-Natal 287042 20,9
Limpopo 49012 3,5
Mpumalanga 54678 3,9
North West 51771 3,8
Northern Cape 29894 2,2
Western Cape 259098 19,3
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 1356716 100,0


The cumulative total of tests conducted to date is 7 700 019 with 46 648 new tests conducted since the last report


Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 4 425 674 57% 21 934 47%
PUBLIC 3 274 345 43% 24 714 53%
Total 7 700 019   46 648  


Regrettably, we report a further 839 deaths: Eastern Cape 102 , Free State 20, Gauteng 48, Kwa- Zulu Natal 263, Limpopo 238, Mpumalanga 11, North West 25, Northern Cape 2 and Western  Cape 130 which brings the total to 38 288 deaths

The high number reported today is due to data reconciliation as part of the regular auditing pro- ces- this includes the analysis of community data taking into account (amongst others): post mortem swabs, backlogged data and unconfirmed outcomes at facilities.

We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated these patients


Our recoveries now stand at 1 144 857 , representing a recovery rate of 84%



Province Total Deaths Total Recover- ies Active Cases
Eastern Cape 9612 173 575 4 365
Free State 2493 59 268 9 476
Gauteng 7057 322 434 36 941
KwaZulu-Natal 6672 226 342 54 028
Limpopo 977 40 232 7 803
Mpumalanga 808 46 394 7 476
North West 808 37 418 13 545
Northern Cape 511 24 734 4 649
Western Cape 9350 214 460 35 288
Total 38 288 1 144 857 173 571


Dr. Zwelini Mkhize Minister of Health END

Diseases A-Z Index



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