As of today, the cumulative number of detected COVID-19 cases is 705 254 with 1 461 new cases identified since the last report.

Province Total cases for 19 October 2020 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 92 122 13,1
Free State 53 679 7,6
Gauteng 225 559 32,0
KwaZulu-Natal 121 436 17,2
Limpopo 16 849 2,4
Mpumalanga 28 830 4,1
North West 31 864 4,5
Northern Cape 20 381 2,9
Western Cape 114 534 16,2
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 705 254 100,0

The cumulative number of tests conducted to date is 4 565 980 with 16 502 new tests conducted since the last report.

Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 2 610 677 57% 10 648 65%
PUBLIC 1 955 303 43% 5 854 35%
Total 4 565 980   16 502  

Total Deaths and Recoveries

Yesterday, we reported a cumulative total of 3 176 deaths for KwaZulu-Natal. We wish to correct this. This was a typographical error which occurred when the total number was recorded, following verification. We therefore confirm that yesterday’s total number of deaths for KwaZulu Natal was 3 136. This means the total number of deaths nationally for 18 October 2020 was 18 431. We apologise for this error.

Regrettably, we report 61 COVID-19 related deaths today: 21 from Eastern Cape, 19 from the Free State, 3 from Gauteng, 1 from Mpumalanga 6 from Northern Cape, 8 from Western Cape and 3 from KwaZulu Natal. This brings the total number of COVID-19 related deaths to 18 492. Of the 61 deaths reported today, 11 were re- ported to have occurred in the past 24-48 hours: 3 in Gauteng, 1 in Mpumalanga and 7 in the Western Cape.

We extend our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health- care workers that treated the deceased patients.

Our recoveries now stand at 635 257 which translates to a recovery rate of 90%

Province Total Deaths Total Recoveries Active Cases
Eastern Cape 3 451 86 927 1 744
Free State 1 320 36 702 15 657
Gauteng 4 621 204 424 16 514
KwaZulu-Natal 3 139 112 205 6 092
Limpopo 435 15 759 655
Mpumalanga 591 27 534 705
North West 393 28 589 2 882
Northern Cape 254 16 933 3 194
Western Cape 4 288 106 184 4 062
National 18 492 635 257 51 505

Diseases A-Z Index



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