As of today, a cumulative total of 930 711 cases of COVID-19 have been identified with 8 789 identified since the last report.

Province Total cases for 21 December 2020 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 159767 17,2
Free State 60536 6,5
Gauteng 258202 27,7
KwaZulu-Natal 160261 17,2
Limpopo 20354 2,2
Mpumalanga 33335 3,6
North West 36801 4,0
Northern Cape 24250 2,6
Western Cape 177205 19,0
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 930711 100,0

A cumulative total of 6 176 683 tests have been conducted with 35 844 tests conducted since the last report

Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 3 576 289 58% 19 507 54%
PUBLIC 2 600 394 42% 16 337 46%
Total 6 176 683   35 844  

Regrettably, today we report 216 COVID-19 related deaths have been reported: Eastern Cape 97, Free State 4, Gauteng 16, Kwa-Zulu Natal 15 and Western Cape 84. This brings the total to 24 907 deaths.

Our recoveries now stand at 796 346.

Province Total Deaths Total Recoveries Active Cases
Eastern Cape 6252 139 264 14 251
Free State 2131 53 947 4 458
Gauteng 5196 237 741 15 265
KwaZulu-Natal 3658 124 620 31 983
Limpopo 526 18 635 1 193
Mpumalanga 624 31 597 1 114
North West 571 34 116 2 114
Northern Cape 372 21 859 2 019
Western Cape 5577 134 567 37 061
Total 24 907 796 346 109 458

Dr Zwelini Mkhize
Minister of Health

Diseases A-Z Index



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