Media Statement

24 April 2021


As of today the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases for South Africa is 1 574 370.



Province Total cases for 24 April 2021 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 195967 12,4
Free State 87330 5,5
Gauteng 421598 26,8
KwaZulu-Natal 336228 21,4
Limpopo 63759 4,0
Mpumalanga 77645 4,9
North West 66759 4,2
Northern Cape 39082 2,5
Western Cape 286002 18,2
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 1574370 100,0


Testing Data:


The number of tests conducted to date is 10 508 510. Of these 26 934 tests were completed since the last report.


Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 5 894 674 56% 14 211 53%
PUBLIC 4 613 836 44% 12 723 47%
Total 10 508 510   26 934  

Deaths and Recoveries

Today, 59 COVID-19 related deaths have been reported: Eastern Cape 3, Free State 8, Gauteng 30, Kwa-Zulu Natal 13, Limpopo 5, Mpumalanga 0, North West 0, Northern Cape 0 and Western Cape 0, which brings the total to 54 125 deaths.

We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased.

Our cumulative recoveries today stand at 1 500 360, representing a recovery rate of 95%.




Province Total Deaths Total Recoveries Active Cases
Eastern Cape 11510 184 234 223
Free State 3827 80 889 2 614
Gauteng 10597 407 976 3 025
KwaZulu-Natal 10365 320 831 5 032
Limpopo 2261 61 195 303
Mpumalanga 1393 75 312 940
North West 1706 62 466 2 587
Northern Cape 882 34 994 3 206
Western Cape 11584 272 463 1 955
Total 54 125 1 500 360 19 885

Dr. Zwelini Mkhize

Minister of Health

Diseases A-Z Index



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