As of today, the cumulative number of detected COVID-19 cases is 667 049 with 1861 new cases identified.

Province Total cases for 24 September 2020 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 88 568 13,3
Free State 45 353 6,7
Gauteng 218 420 32,9
KwaZulu-Natal 118 350 17,8
Limpopo 15 003 2,2
Mpumalanga 26 842 4,0
North West 28 688 4,3
Northern Cape 15 745 2,3
Western Cape 110 080 16,5
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 667 049 100,0


The cumulative number of tests conducted to date is 4 102 162 with 18 405 new tests conducted since the last report.

Sector Total tested New tested
PRIVATE 2 326 163 57% 9 593 52%
PUBLIC 1 775 999 43% 8 812 48%
Total 4 102 162 18 405


Total Deaths and Recoveries

Regrettably, we report 77 more COVID-19 related deaths: 7 from Eastern Cape, 8 from KwaZulu-Natal, 58 from Gauteng and 4 from Western Cape. This brings the total number of COVID-19 related deaths to 16 283. 

We extend our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the healthcare workers that treated the deceased patients.

Our recoveries now stand at 595 916 which translates to a recovery rate of 89,3%

Province Total Deaths Total Recoveries Active Cases
Eastern Cape 3 093 84 108 1367
Free State 838 29 778 14 737
Gauteng 4 153 193 991 20 276
KwaZulu-Natal 2 612 108 966 6 772
Limpopo 384 13 952 667
Mpumalanga 509 25 338 995
North West 350 24 526 3812
Northern Cape 189 12 615 2941
Western Cape 4 155 102 642 3 283
National 16 283 595 916 54 850

Diseases A-Z Index



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