Latest confirmed cases of COVID-19 in South Africa (26 Nov 2020)

As of today, the cumulative total of COVID-19 cases is 778 571 with 3 069 new cases identified since the last report.

Province Total cases for 26 November 2020 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 122587 15,7
Free State 58912 7,6
Gauteng 233995 30,1
KwaZulu-Natal 126866 16,3
Limpopo 18477 2,4
Mpumalanga 31215 4,0
North West 34721 4,5
Northern Cape 23095 3,0
Western Cape 128703 16,5
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 778571 100,0

The cumulative number of tests conducted to date is 5 383 078 with 28 010 new tests conducted since the last report.

Sector Total tested   New tested  
Private 3 119 193 58% 17 460 62%
Public 2 263 885 42% 10 550 38%
Total 5 383 078   28 010  

Total Deaths and Recoveries

 Regrettably, 88 more COVID-19 related deaths have been reported: Eastern Cape 33, Free State 25, Gauteng 5, Kwa-Zulu Natal 2, Limpopo 5 and Western Cape 18. This brings the total deaths to 21 289. We extend our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health- care workers that treated the deceased patients.

Province Total Deaths Total Recoveries Active Cases
Eastern Cape 4508 109 170 8 909
Free State 1895 50 532 6 485
Gauteng 5001
KwaZulu-Natal 3323 117 376 6 167
Limpopo 499 17 662 316
Mpumalanga 614 30 166 435
North West 549 33 115 1 057
Northern Cape 306 20 061 2 728
Western Cape 4594 115 017 9 092
Total 21 289

Officials from Gauteng Province have indicated that they are giving urgent attention to the issue of data reconciliation. In addition, we have deployed a team to assist them to resolve the issue expediently.


Dr. Zwelini Mkhize
Minister of Health

Diseases A-Z Index



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