Media Statement

As of today the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases for South Africa is 1 552 853.

Province Total cases for 06 April 2021 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 195515 12,6
Free State 83789 5,4
Gauteng 415682 26,8
KwaZulu-Natal 334600 21,5
Limpopo 63276 4,1
Mpumalanga 75613 4,9
North West 64224 4,1
Northern Cape 36641 2,4
Western Cape 283513 18,3
Unknown 0 0,0
Total 1552853 100,0

 Testing Data:

 The cumulative total of tests conducted is 9 995 431 with 16 137 tests completed since the last report.

Sector Total tested   New tested  
PRIVATE 5 613 440 56% 9 018 56%
PUBLIC 4 381 991 44% 7 119 44%
Total 9 995 431   16 137  


Deaths and Recoveries

 In the last 24 hours, 37 deaths have been reported: Eastern Cape 8, Free State 16, Gauteng 9, Kwa- Zulu Natal 0, Limpopo 0, Mpumalanga 0, North West 0, Northern Cape 0 and Western Cape 4 which brings the total to 53 032 deaths. We convey our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased.

Our cumulative recoveries today stand at 1 478 820, representing a recovery rate of 95%.

Province Total Deaths Total Recoveries Active Cases
Eastern Cape 11371 183 948 196
Free State 3676 78 393 1 720
Gauteng 10363 403 200 2 119
KwaZulu-Natal 10236 318 596 5 768
Limpopo 2241 60 748 287
Mpumalanga 1348 73 426 839
North West 1496 60 552 2 176
Northern Cape 825 33 009 2 807
Western Cape 11476 266 948 5 089
Total 53 032 1 478 820 21 001

Vaccination Rollout

 The number of health care workers vaccinated under the Sisonke Protocol is 272 438 as reported at 18:30 today.

Preparations for Mass Vaccination

 We are pleased to confirm that the Pfizer Agreement for 20 million doses of vaccines has been signed and that payment processes are underway to close the deal in the next few days. With the Johnson and Johnson Agreement also fully concluded, this sets the stage for a significant and rapid expansion of our vaccination programme.

In addition, we can also confirm that the final tranche of 200 000 Johnson and Johnson doses for the Sisonke Protocol is expected to arrive on 10 April 2021. These doses will take us to the last mile of the Sisonke Protocol, which is set to become one of the most seminal studies in the history of the pandemic. Similarly, we will also embark on an implementation study with a limited number of Pfizer doses used amongst health care workers- this will be yet another valuable contribution to the science of mass vaccination.

In preparation for the mass vaccination campaign, we have undertaken a deep study of the Sisonke Protocol to draw lessons from the programme and enhance the efficiency of future operations.

We have also continued to engage stakeholders across all sectors to sensitise ourselves to the needs of various communities. Upon deeper inspection and reflection, the Department of Health has worked on a revised strategy to ensure that the vaccination campaign targets the most pressing public health and the economic relief that vaccination should achieve. These revisions will require extensive yet urgent consultation to ensure that the final programme expresses the will of the people.

Upon completion of the ratification process, we will announce the details of the revised vaccination programme to the public and call on the first group of eligible citizens to register on the Electronic Vaccination System.

I wish to thank all government officials, business partners and social partners who are working around the clock to ensure that the programme is efficient, safe and exemplary. We look forward to announcing the details in the days to come.

Dr Zwelini Mkhize
Minister of Health

Diseases A-Z Index



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