Latest confirmed cases of COVID-19 in South Africa (7 June 2020)

As of today, the cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in South Africa is 48 285 with 2 312 new cases identified.

Case Data

Province Total cases for 7 June 2020 Percentage total
Eastern Cape 5974 12,4
Free State 361 0,7
Gauteng 5946 12,3
KwaZulu-Natal 3108 6,4
Limpopo 227 0,5
Mpumalanga 189 0,4
North West 523 1,1
Northern Cape 114 0,2
Western Cape 31824 65,9
Unknown 19 0,0
Total 48 285 100,0

Testing Data

A total of 920 064 tests have been processed cumulatively of which 28 3965tests have been conducted since the last report.

Sector Total tested New tested
Private 445 077 48% 13 893 49%
Public 474 987 52% 14 502 51%
Grand Total 920 064 28 395

Reported COVID-19 Deaths:

 Regrettably, we report 46 more COVID-19 related deaths:  45 in the Western Cape and the first death in Mpumalanga. This brings the total national deaths to 998

We extend our condolences to the loved ones of the departed and thank the health care workers who treated the deceased.

The recoveries to date are 24 364 translates to a recovery rate of 50,5%.

The provincial breakdown is as follows:

Province Deaths Recoveries
Eastern Cape 101 2666
Free State 9 152
Gauteng 47 2428
KwaZulu Natal 61 1378
Limpopo 3 158
Mpumalanga 1 102
North West 1 73
Northern Cape 1 41
Western Cape 774 17 366
Total 998 24 364

Gender Distribution Deaths:


Male (%)


Female (%)



525 (52,6%) 473(47,4%) 998

Age Distribution Deaths:







0-9 2 0,2
10-19 3 0,3
20-29 11 01,1
30-39 53 5,3
40-49 119 11,9
50-59 249 25,0
60-69 271 27,2
70-79 186 18,6
80-89 82 8,2
90-99 22 2,2
998 100


Diseases A-Z Index



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