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- Case summary snapshot
*Variants of concern - a variant that may spread easier, cause more severe disease, reduce the effectiveness of treatments or vaccine, or is harder to detect using current tests.Metric Value Cases 433,021 Confirmed cases 408,954 (94.44%) Probable cases 24,067 (5.56%) Variants of concern 115 Variants under investigation 72 Total hospitalized 23,791 Counties 64 People tested 2,597,695 Test encounters 6,310,233 Deaths among cases 5,974 Confirmed deaths among cases 5,238 (87.68%) Probable deaths among cases 736 (12.32%) Deaths due to COVID-19 5,960 Total outbreaks 3,961
**Variants under investigation - variants with different characteristics of the original virus, but not yet considered a variant of concern.
- The variant cases identified above are based on a small sampling of positive COVID-19 tests and do not represent the total number of variant cases that may be circulating in Colorado.
- Hospital data snapshot
Percent of facilities updating (within 24 hours) 88% Number of patients currently hospitalized for confirmed COVID-19 314 Patients currently hospitalized as COVID-19 persons under investigation 41 Number of patients discharged/transferred within past the 24 hours 75 Number of facilities anticipating staff shortages (within the next week) 9% Number of facilities anticipating shortages of personal protective equipment (within the next week) 1% Facilities anticipating ICU bed shortages in the next week 2% Critical care ventilators in use 28%
- Cases and deaths by county
County Cases Deaths among cases Adams 48876 615 Alamosa 1304 28 Arapahoe 48927 654 Archuleta 668 1 Baca 273 4 Bent 1481 21 Boulder 19039 225 Broomfield 3811 74 Chaffee 1463 24 Cheyenne 125 5 Clear Creek 368 2 Conejos 446 9 Costilla 191 2 Crowley 2052 14 Custer 164 1 Delta 2480 60 Denver 60121 765 Dolores 69 0 Douglas 21648 223 Eagle 5167 21 El Paso 52619 747 Elbert 1295 12 Fremont 5498 50 Garfield 5131 38 Gilpin 168 3 Grand 1288 5 Gunnison 1211 6 Hinsdale 16 0 Huerfano 314 16 International 50 0 Jackson 51 0 Jefferson 37583 727 Kiowa 91 3 Kit Carson 543 10 La Plata 3009 37 Lake 660 0 Larimer 20370 224 Las Animas 1003 11 Lincoln 998 3 Logan 3746 65 Mesa 13416 200 Mineral 61 1 Moffat 680 22 Montezuma 1734 22 Montrose 3272 53 Morgan 2442 90 Otero 1864 63 Ouray 258 3 Park 558 5 Phillips 339 12 Pitkin 2059 4 Prowers 1162 21 Pueblo 15134 363 Rio Blanco 482 3 Rio Grande 713 13 Routt 1915 19 Saguache 324 4 San Juan 43 0 San Miguel 823 0 Sedgwick 191 2 Summit 3060 7 Teller 1285 14 Washington 392 12 Weld 25779 319 Yuma 718 17