Coronavirus (COVID-19) Data Dashboard

Kent County

A resource of COVID-19 data and facts for Delaware families and communities.

Kent County's Latest Status

Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 10/23/2020 11:31 AM.

New Positive Cases per Week (per 100,000 Population)

Date Range:

Positive Cases in Kent County

Total Positive Cases
3,394 192.8 per 10,000 people

Positive Cases in Comparable Location

Deaths in Kent County

Total Deaths
120 5.8 per 10,000 people

Percent of persons testing positive, and percent of tests that are positive are helpful indicators in understanding the spread of infection in a community. Percent of persons testing positive indicate one result reported for each individual tested (positive or negative), even if that person is tested more than once with the same result. As a result, it often reflects higher positivity rates.

Percent of tests that are positive indicates the total number of specimens tested, including when an individual is tested more than once, and reflects higher reported test numbers and lower positivity rates. It is also more widely used by other states and the Federal government, and is therefore useful to compare Delaware to other jurisdictions.

Because of the increasing frequency of repeat testing, using person-based percent positives could be misleading on a daily basis. Therefore, using the percent of tests that are positive is a more useful measure to make operational decisions. Data for percent of tests that are positive are based on the testing date, while data for persons testing positive is based on the date results are reported to DPH. There is a two-day lag for presenting data related to percent of tests that are positive to account for the time delay between the date of the test and the date that DPH receives the test result.

Latest Status

Total persons tested by zip code (per 10,000 Population)

Testing Totals in Kent County

Kent County
43,228 2,472.7 per 10,000 people

Total Persons Tested in Comparable Location

Kent County
59,374 3,396.3 per 10,000 people

Total Tests in Comparable Location


Updated: 10/23/2020

Total Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity

Total Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Non-Hispanic White 17,448 155,520 88,463 41,865
Non-Hispanic Black 8,997 60,890 40,217 7,833
Another/Multiple 2,361 27,247 16,515 6,267
Hispanic/Latino 2,005 25,554 15,741 6,692
Asian/Pacific Islander 579 7,232 5,895 528
Unknown 11,838 58,669 30,725 12,628
Updated: 10/23/2020

Rate of Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity

Rate of Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Non-Hispanic Black 2,031.3 2,901.0 2,901.5 2,902.0
Hispanic/Latino 1,646.1 2,960.6 2,911.2 3,335.3
Asian/Pacific Islander 1,622.8 1,944.1 1,915.5 1,848.1
Non-Hispanic White 1,504.7 2,374.7 2,469.8 2,316.0

Latest Status

Total Positive Cases in Kent County

Total Positive Cases
3,394 192.8 per 10,000 people

Positive Cases in Comparable Location


Positive Cases per 10,000 Population by Age Group

Updated: 10/23/2020

Rate of Cases by Age

Rate of Cases by Age & County

Age Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
0-4 47.3 77.7 75.3 112.2
5-17 68.9 112.8 105.6 175.2
18-34 242.1 357.7 311.4 642.9
35-49 260.1 319.7 260.2 555.8
50-64 223.0 246.7 223.4 313.1
65+ 205.9 221.5 229.6 215.3
Updated: 10/23/2020

Rate of Cases by Sex

Rate of Cases by Sex & County

Sex Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Female 202.0 261.0 242.6 350.6
Male 185.1 236.3 205.8 350.3
Updated: 10/23/2020

Rate of Cases by Race/Ethnicity

Rate of Cases by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Hispanic/Latino 312.8 596.8 477.5 1,083.5
Non-Hispanic Black 251.7 294.4 269.5 486.8
Asian/Pacific Islander 165.4 88.4 68.2 210.0
Non-Hispanic White 122.2 140.8 128.0 176.6

Count of Positive Cases by Age Group

Updated: 10/23/2020

Total Cases by Age

Total Cases by Age & County

Age Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
0-4 52 (2%) 426 (2%) 245 (2%) 127 (2%)
5-17 204 (6%) 1,676 (7%) 936 (7%) 531 (7%)
18-34 1,006 (30%) 7,600 (32%) 4,161 (33%) 2,396 (31%)
35-49 804 (24%) 5,442 (23%) 2,753 (22%) 1,863 (24%)
50-64 742 (22%) 4,841 (20%) 2,526 (20%) 1,562 (20%)
65+ 586 (17%) 3,702 (16%) 1,870 (15%) 1,232 (16%)
Updated: 10/23/2020

Total Cases by Sex

Total Cases by Sex & County

Sex Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Female 1,829 (54%) 12,787 (54%) 6,944 (56%) 3,966 (51%)
Male 1,560 (46%) 10,861 (46%) 5,533 (44%) 3,728 (48%)
39 (0%)
Updated: 10/23/2020

Total Cases by Race/Ethnicity

Total Cases by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Non-Hispanic White 1,417 (42%) 9,218 (39%) 4,586 (37%) 3,193 (41%)
Non-Hispanic Black 1,115 (33%) 6,180 (26%) 3,735 (30%) 1,314 (17%)
Hispanic/Latino 381 (11%) 5,151 (22%) 2,582 (21%) 2,174 (28%)
Another/Multiple 143 (4%) 1,095 (5%) 561 (4%) 384 (5%)
Asian/Pacific Islander 59 (2%) 329 (1%) 210 (2%) 60 (1%)
Unknown 279 (8%) 1,714 (7%) 817 (7%) 586 (8%)

Outcomes (Kent County)


Updated: 10/23/2020

Total Deaths by Age

Total Deaths by Age & County

Age Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
0-4 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
5-17 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
13 (2%)
18 (3%)
50-64 25 (21%) 86 (13%) 33 (10%) 28 (13%)
65+ 92 (77%) 561 (83%) 293 (86%) 176 (80%)
Updated: 10/23/2020

Total Deaths by Sex

Total Deaths by Sex & County

Sex Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Female 61 (51%) 354 (52%) 175 (52%) 118 (54%)
Male 59 (49%) 324 (48%) 164 (48%) 101 (46%)
Updated: 10/23/2020

Total Deaths by Race/Ethnicity

Total Deaths by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Non-Hispanic White 70 (58%) 439 (65%) 220 (65%) 149 (68%)
Non-Hispanic Black 46 (38%) 177 (26%) 87 (26%) 44 (20%)
12 (2%)
49 (7%)
Asian/Pacific Islander
1 (0%)