The official Team Kentucky source for information concerning COVID-19

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Logos for Cabinet of Health and Family Services, Team Kentucky, and Kentucky Department for Public Health (Prevent. Promote. Protect)

COVID-19 Hotline (800) 722-5725

The COVID-19 hotline is a service operated by the healthcare professionals at the KY Poison Control Center who can provide advice and answer questions.

For General Inquiries

Please send an email to

Healthcare Provider Guidance

Kentucky's Healthcare Guidance for Healthcare Providers, Labs and Facilites

Learn More

Kentucky Coronavirus Monitoring

Current as of October 28, 2020 

Kentucky county map showing which counties have the highest and lowest COVID-19 cases. Currently 45,978 cases.

The 7-Day incidence is calculated by taking the total number of unique cases in each county over the past 7 days, divided by 7 to get a daily average, divided by the U.S. census bureau county population, and multiplied by 100,000 to get the incidence per 100,000 people. The cases counted each day are based on the date an investigation was opened in NEDSS (i.e., National Electronic Disease Surveillance System). Duplicate cases are removed before the calculation, so each positive case is only included once. NOTE: State and local health department data will vary for a variety of reasons including data entry timing, communication processes, and 7-day averaging.

Interactive Maps  

View Confirmed Cases, Cases by County, Cases by Sex, Cases by Age Group, Confirmed Deaths, Deaths by Sex and Deaths by Age Group.

Desktop Dashboard Mobile Dashboard

10/28/2020: The dashboard is currently unavailable due to maintenance and revisions. 

In the event of a discrepancy between case confirmations, please note is reporting confirmed cases by the Kentucky Department of Public Health (KDPH). We are working diligently to confirm cases as they are reported to KDPH.

COVID-19 Daily Case Incidence Rate Maps

Total Positive 101,494 Probable: 15,917- Confirmed: 85,577
Deaths 1,442 Probable: 21- Confirmed: 1,421
Total Tested 1,976,218 PCR: 1,831,369- Serology: 85,839- Antigen: 59,010
Positivity Rate* 6.07
Recovered 18,165

*Based on a 7-day rolling average; Switched on 10/19/2020 to electronic laboratory reports as the sole source of data for the positivity rate. Learn more about how KDPH determines the Statewide Positivity Rate.

Note: Data includes cases of COVID-19 reported to KDPH.

KY COVID-19 Case Classification 

White House Coronavirus Task Force Reports for Kentucky

If you are a lab providing COVID-19 services, please complete this form

Labs providing COVID-19 services in KY 

Complete the following form to have your COVID-19 testing site/information provided to the public. Submit a Location
If you are a facility and need your information on the map updated, please submit a map update.

Travel Advisory

Learn More  

On July 20, 2020 the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) issued a travel advisory with the recommendation of a 14-day self-quarantine for travelers who went to any of the states reporting positive testing rate equal to or greater than 15 percent-of COVID-19 testing. This quarantine guidance applies to all leisure travel. 

It is recommended to use extra precaution traveling to states reporting positive testing rate equal to or greater than 10 percent-of COVID-19 testing.

  • South Dakota 43.44%
  • Idaho 34.81%
  • Wyoming 31.61%
  • Wisconsin 27.96%
  • Iowa 26.36%
  • Alabama 25.17%
  • Nebraska 21.78%
  • Kansas 20.73%
  • Nevada 18.91%
  • Utah 18.17%
  • Florida 4.96%*

The KDPH also recommends a 14-day self-quarantine for travelers returning from any international travel. For more information about international travel and associated risk levels, please see CDC COVID-19 Travel Recommendations by Destination.

During this pandemic, non-essential travel, both for pleasure and work, is strongly discouraged.

*Due to the removal of public health restrictions, there is a higher risk of contracting COVID-19 in Florida, therefore a 14- day self-quarantine is recommended after travel to Florida.

Data provided by Johns Hopkins.

Celebrate Halloween Safely

The following guidance is designed to help curb the spread of COVID-19.
It will be reassessed and updated as the situation evolves and we learn more in the weeks leading up to Halloween.

KDPH Halloween Guidance Halloween One Pager

KDPH Halloween Guidance - Spanish Halloween One Pager - Spanish

Healthy at School

Healthy at Work

Our phased approach to reopen Kentucky’s economy

Learn More

COVID-19 Related Actions taken by Gov. Andy Beshear

Daily actions and executive orders taken by the Governor

Learn More

Team Kentucky Fund

Governor Andy Beshear invites all Kentuckians to make a tax deductible donation to the Team Kentucky Fund. This fund provides assistance to Kentuckians who have been severely financially impacted by the COVID-19 emergency.



Promoting, advocating and supporting telehealth adoption across the Commonwealth

Learn More


Report observations of non-compliance with rules that keep our fellow Kentuckians safe. 1-833-KYSAFER

View Reporting Options

Team Kentucky Fund Financial Assistance Application Portal

The Team Kentucky Fund is overseen by the Public Protection Cabinet. The program will be administered through a partnership with the Community Action Kentucky, Inc.

Apply Here

Face Coverings FAQs

View a list of frequently asked questions about Governor Beshear’s Executive Order related to face coverings.

face cover Learn More

Price Gouging

Information regarding possible price gouging, contact the Office of the Attorney General Consumer Protection Branch.

Report Online 888-432-9257

Eviction Relief Fund

Healthy at Home Eviction Relief Fund has been created to prevent evictions of Kentucky tenants to keep them housed during the COVID-19 pandemic and allow landlords to get substantial payments for back rent.

Get Started

The Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) is responding actively to the COVID-19 situation. Our State Health Operations Center is operating at Level 1, its highest activation level. This respiratory disease was first detected in a Kentucky resident on March 6, 2020.

Contact Tracing A Confidential Public Health Resource


Gov. Andy Beshear's Communications Office (news releases, other advisories)

Gov. Andy Beshear's YouTube Channel - all posted news conference videos. You can view livestream events here.

CHFS COVID-19 Resources - you'll find information and links to resources related to CHFS agency response to COVID-19 and its impact on our programs, services and the people we serve.

The Office of Inspector General is the regulatory and licensing agency for all health care, day care and long-term and child adoption/child-placing agencies in the commonwealth. Visit CHFS COVID-19 Resources for Office of Inspector General guidance related to COVID-19.

View Healthy at Work for updated guidance for businesses and a list of executive orders. 

Guidance for Release from Isolation/Return to Work (PDF)Updated

COVID-19 Childcare Center FAQ's New

COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidance for Meatpacking Facilities (Release Date: April 28, 2020)

Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities

For the latest information and prevention updates, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2019 novel coronavirus site

Kentucky Department for Public Health recommends following the CDC Guidelines for preventing COVID-19 spread in communities.

At home At work
K-12 Schools and Childcare programs Colleges and Universities
Healthcare settings Pregnant women and children
Those at risk for serious illness from COVID-19 Large events and gatherings
Homeless shelters First responders
Reducing stigma
Guidance for Kentucky Community- and Faith- Based Organization
Social Distancing while in Recovery

Protect Yourself and Your Family

Kentucky Department for Public Health wants you to protect yourself and your family. 

Prepare yourself, your family and your communityCDC Talking with children about coronavirus
Get your home readyResources for the home
Talking to Children about COVID-19: A Parent ResourceCaring for Someone at Home

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Kentucky Department for Public Health recognizes CDC recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting.

How to clean and disinfectGeneral household cleaning and disinfecting
After suspected or confirmed exposureDuring isolation of someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19

About COVID-19

How it spreadsSymptoms
Prevention and TreatmentStigma and COVID-19
What to do if you are sickFrequently asked questions

Latest Updates from the CDC

Cases in the U.S.Global locations with COVID-19
Risk assessment

Uncertainty leads to anxiety. Follow these tips to maintain your mental health and reduce anxiety. Please seek professional help if needed. For more information, visit the CDC guidance for managing anxiety and stress.

COVID-19 Health Tips, Mental health and relieving anxiety. 1, stay informed. 2, preserve daily routines. 3, Take a break. 4, Maintain a healthy diet, exercise and sleep. 5, take advantage of outdoor activities. 6, Do not isolate, connect with others through appropriate social distancing or virtual opportunities

CDC Mental Health and Coping during COVID-19

Parent/Caregiver Guide to helping families cope with the Coronavirus Disease 2019

During the COVID-19 State of Emergency, individuals who need medical insurance coverage for doctors, pharmacy or hospital services should click here Healthcare Coverage Application. This coverage is temporary and ends 2 months after the application month unless you submit an application for regular Medicaid. For application help, contact an application assister through the Application Assister Web Page or call the Kentucky Healthcare Customer Service line toll-free at (855) 459-6328. For a listing of participating medical providers please access the Kentucky Medicaid Provider Directory. If you have questions or need more information about a participating provider, you can call 1-800-635-2570.

How to file an unemployment insurance claim if you have lost a job or are sick due to COVID-19

Individuals may apply for Medicaid by calling the Kentucky Healthcare Customer Service line toll-free at (855) 459-6328, contacting an application assister through the Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange website, visiting the Benefind website or by calling the DCBS Call Center toll free at (855) 306-8959.

KY Medicaid COVID - 19 Information

Individuals may apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, by visiting the Benefind website or by calling the DCBS Call Center toll free at (855) 306-8959.

To see if you might be eligible for WIC, visit: WIC Screening Tool. If you think you might be eligible, contact your local health department for more information on enrolling. 

All healthcare guidance can now be found here.

For COVID-19 information in multiple languages, visit Resources in 150+ Languages (Source: Endangered Language Project)

Updated on October 28th, 2020 04:38PM