March 31, 2021

Beginning March 30, vaccine data (i.e., vaccines received, given, doses used, etc.) is available in DHEC's vaccine dashboard. The same data that was on this webpage is located in the interactive dashboard.
Vaccine providers are required to log specific information about each vaccine they administer within 24 hours. The data within these by-facility spreadsheets are provisional and subject to change.
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine allocation by facility
Updated daily
Moderna Vaccine Allocations
Updated daily
Janssen vaccine allocation by facility
Updated daily
Moderna Vaccine Used for LTC Program
Total Doses Received
Through LTC Program
Given to LTCF Residents
First Shot / Second Shot
(residents and non-residents)
40,192 / 29,829
Given to LTCF Staff
First Shot / Second Shot
(residents and non-residents)
25,471 / 18,938
1st / 2nd Clinics Scheduled
Through LTC Program
3rd Clinics Scheduled
Through LTC Program
The CDC’s Long-Term Care Program is a federal partnership between Walgreens and CVS pharmacies. These pharmacies are holding vaccination clinics at every long-term care facility in South Carolina, ensuring those most vulnerable to COVID-19 and the workers who care from them are among the first to receive their shots. CVS and Walgreens began holding vaccine clinics at these facilities on December 28, 2020. Long-term Care Program data is recorded in a federal database called Tiberius. The information in the spreadsheets below, from Tiberius, isn’t managed by DHEC.
LTC Program: Moderna Vaccine Allocation by Facility
Updated daily