West Virginia

Department of
Health & Human Resources

COVID-19 Daily Update 2-18-2021


​The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) reports as of February 18, 2021, there have been 2,090,402 total confirmatory laboratory results received for COVID-19, with 128,760 total cases and 2,236 total deaths.

DHHR has confirmed the deaths of a 72-year old female from Lewis County, an 81-year old female from Upshur County, a 91-year old female from Wood County, a 68-year old male from Kanawha County, a 101-year old female from Harrison County, an 84-year old female from Wood County, a 67-year old female from Taylor County, a 93-year old male from Webster County, an 87-year old female from Wood County, a 70-year old male from Harrison County, and an 83-year old female from Berkeley County.

“We are deeply saddened to report the deaths of more West Virginians due to COVID-19,” said Bill J. Crouch, DHHR Cabinet Secretary. “We extend our deepest sympathies to these families.”  

CASES PER COUNTY: Barbour (1,162), Berkeley (9,500), Boone (1,533), Braxton (767), Brooke (1,982), Cabell (7,655), Calhoun (218), Clay (370), Doddridge (451), Fayette (2,578), Gilmer (695), Grant (1,043), Greenbrier (2,369), Hampshire (1,490), Hancock (2,561), Hardy (1,256), Harrison (4,781), Jackson (1,637), Jefferson (3,550), Kanawha (11,766), Lewis (1,004), Lincoln (1,196), Logan (2,616), Marion (3,597), Marshall (2,968), Mason (1,746), McDowell (1,332), Mercer (4,126), Mineral (2,565), Mingo (2,080), Monongalia (7,690), Monroe (929), Morgan (907), Nicholas (1,151), Ohio (3,561), Pendleton (615), Pleasants (793), Pocahontas (578), Preston (2,496), Putnam (4,104), Raleigh (4,549), Randolph (2,349), Ritchie (602), Roane (486), Summers (695), Taylor (1,071), Tucker (492), Tyler (607), Upshur (1,634), Wayne (2,574), Webster (285), Wetzel (1,057), Wirt (341), Wood (6,888), Wyoming (1,712).

Delays may be experienced with the reporting of information from the local health department to DHHR. As case surveillance continues at the local health department level, it may reveal that those tested in a certain county may not be a resident of that county, or even the state as an individual in question may have crossed the state border to be tested. Such is the case of Jackson County in this report.

West Virginians may now pre-register for their COVID-19 vaccination at vaccinate.wv.gov. The COVID-19 dashboard located at www.coronavirus.wv.gov shows the total number of vaccines administered. Please see the vaccine summary tab for more detailed information. 

Free COVID-19 testing is available to all West Virginia residents. For additional periodic and pharmacy testing events, visit https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/pages/testing.aspx

Contact Information

Media contact: DHHRCommunications@wv.gov