What You Need to Know:
- Vaccines are currently available in limited supply.
- The vaccine is FREE.
- Your insurance status does not affect your ability to receive the vaccine for free.
- The vaccine is SAFE.
- Learn more about the benefits and facts related to the COVID-19 vaccine.
- CDC has safety information and guidance to help you prepare for your vaccine.
- The authorized vaccines require two doses for maximum effectiveness.
Wyoming Distribution:
First Vaccine Doses Received: 57,150 (29,250 Pfizer/27,900 Moderna)
First Vaccine Doses Administered: 40,271
Second Vaccine Doses Received: 28,700 (11,700 Pfizer/17,000 Moderna)
Second Vaccine Doses Administered: 8,478
Reporting of administered doses is up to 72 hours behind. Counts do not include federal doses provided separately and directly for tribal, VA, and military facilities.