Wyoming Distribution
Overall Totals
Total Doses Received: 459,535
(222,495 Pfizer/208,740 Moderna/28,300 Janssen)
Total Doses Administered: 375,857
Two-Dose Vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna)
First Doses Administered: 190,948
Second Doses Administered: 171,200
One-Dose Vaccine (Janssen)
Doses Administered: 13,709
Important Data Notes:
- Click on map to enlarge; more details about graph data is available by hovering over items.
- Coverage estimates, map and administration graphs are updated weekly.
- “Fully vaccinated” means two doses of Pfizer or Moderna or one dose of Janssen.
- Coverage estimates do not include vaccinations provided in Wyoming by VA or military facilities or vaccinations of people without a Wyoming address, but do include tribal vaccinations.
- 2021 population projections from the Wyoming Department of Administration and Information were used for coverage estimates.
- Administration information is based on provider location and does not include federal doses provided separately for tribal, VA and military facilities.
- Administration reporting is up to 72 hours behind.
- Data may not display well on mobile devices and may display better with Chrome.