Coronavirus (COVID-19) Data Dashboard

State of Delaware

State of Delaware's Latest Status

Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 12/04/2020 1:36 PM.

Current School Planning Scenario*
Schools may use a hybrid model of remote learning and in-person learning options with precautions in place.
* The State of Delaware uses statewide COVID-19 data to make recommendations about school reopening. Current statewide data do not indicate school closures.
See More Details

New Positive Cases per Week (per 100,000 Population)

Positive Cases in State of Delaware

Total Positive Cases
38,398 408.8 per 10,000 people
Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities

Positive Cases by County

Deaths in State of Delaware

Total Deaths
782 6.5 per 10,000 people
Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities

School Reopening Criteria

Current Status

Data are updated every Monday *
Community Spread
Schools may use a hybrid model of remote learning and in-person learning options with precautions in place.

* Unlike other COVID data on My Healthy Community, historical data presented on the school reopening dashboard are not updated daily. This is because the reopening dashboard is used to make decisions based on the best available data at the time and are not informed by real-time updates to historical data. These data are updated on Mondays. This is to allow for complete reporting of the week's test data.

Breakdown of This Week's Status (11/21/2020 - 11/27/2020)

Overall rating *
Schools are partially open
New cases rate
(per 100,000 people)
More than 100
% of tests that are positive
1 to 8%
Avg. daily hospitalizations
(per 100,000 people)
10 to 25

* The State of Delaware uses statewide COVID-19 data to make recommendations about school reopening. Current statewide data do not indicate school closures.

Planning Scenarios for Schools

Community Spread
Community Spread
Community Spread
Description Schools are open for in-person instruction. Schools may use a hybrid model of remote learning and in-person learning options with precautions in place. School buildings are closed — remote learning only.
New cases rate
(per 100,000 people)
Fewer than 5 5 to 100 More than 100
% of tests that are positive Less than 1% 1 to 8% More than 8%
Avg. daily hospitalizations
(per 100,000 people)
Fewer than 10 10 to 25 More than 25
Overall rating* 2 or more Minimal (green) ratings 2 or more Minimal-to-Moderate (yellow) ratings 2 or more Significant (red) ratings
*If there is one of each color, % of tests that are positive determines the overall rating.

Status by Week

Overall rating New cases rate
(per 100,000 people)
% of tests that are positive Avg. daily hospitalizations
(per 100,000 people)
11/21/2020 - 11/27/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 337.7 6.1 19.2
11/14/2020 - 11/20/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 303.6 5.4 16.1
11/07/2020 - 11/13/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 216.9 5.4 12.9
10/31/2020 - 11/06/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 135.9 4.3 11.4
10/24/2020 - 10/30/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 111.3 3.4 10.0
Show/hide additional weeks
10/17/2020 - 10/23/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 90.4 3.1 10.8

Percent positive in the following rows is based on the percent of people testing positive. The numbers cannot be directly compared to newer reports (the rows above) which use the percent of tests that were positive. Previous reports also used different thresholds.

10/10/2020 - 10/16/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 95.6 5.4 11.1
10/03/2020 - 10/09/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 94.8 6.0 9.5
09/26/2020 - 10/02/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 97.6 7.7 7.3
09/19/2020 - 09/25/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 72.2 6.5 6.1
09/12/2020 - 09/18/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 75.0 7.1 6.3
09/05/2020 - 09/11/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 66.2 5.9 6.1
08/29/2020 - 09/04/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 72.2 4.5 6.1
08/22/2020 - 08/28/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 61.5 4.5 5.1
08/15/2020 - 08/21/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 47.8 4.1 3.6
08/08/2020 - 08/14/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 50.8 4.0 3.7
08/01/2020 - 08/07/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 56.5 4.2 4.3
07/25/2020 - 07/31/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 70.0 4.3 6.0
07/18/2020 - 07/24/2020 Minimal-to-Moderate 70.7 4.2 5.7

Healthcare System Status

Updated: 12/04/2020

Delaware's PPE Inventory Status

Fluid Resistant Gowns and Isolation Gowns

2 Weeks+ Left (Stable)

Face Shields

2 Weeks+ Left (Stable)

Glasses and Goggles

2 Weeks+ Left (Stable)


2 Weeks+ Left (Stable)

Isolation and Procedural-Ear Loop Masks

2 Weeks+ Left (Stable)

N95 Masks

2 Weeks+ Left (Stable)

Surgical Masks

2 Weeks+ Left (Stable)

Updated: 12/04/2020

Delaware's Healthcare System Status

ICU Bed Availability

Stable (75% or less occupied)

Ventilator Availability

Stable (75% or less occupied)

Hospital ED Wait Times

< 5 hours

Hospital Census/Capacity

< 98%

Percent of persons testing positive, and percent of tests that are positive are helpful indicators in understanding the spread of infection in a community. Percent of persons testing positive indicate one result reported for each individual tested (positive or negative), even if that person is tested more than once with the same result. As a result, it often reflects higher positivity rates.

Percent of tests that are positive indicates the total number of specimens tested, including when an individual is tested more than once, and reflects higher reported test numbers and lower positivity rates. It is also more widely used by other states and the Federal government, and is therefore useful to compare Delaware to other jurisdictions.

Because of the increasing frequency of repeat testing, using person-based percent positives could be misleading on a daily basis. Therefore, using the percent of tests that are positive is a more useful measure to make operational decisions. Data for percent of tests that are positive are based on the testing date, while data for persons testing positive is based on the date results are reported to DPH. There is a two-day lag for presenting data related to percent of tests that are positive to account for the time delay between the date of the test and the date that DPH receives the test result.

Latest Status

Total Persons Tested per Week (per 100,000 Population)

Testing Totals in State of Delaware

State of Delaware
435,067 45,820.9 per 100,000 people

Total Persons Tested by County

State of Delaware
760,804 80,127.2 per 100,000 people

Total Tests by County


Updated: 12/04/2020

Total Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity

Total Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity State of Delaware New Castle Kent Sussex
Non-Hispanic White 210,698 119,081 25,215 55,618
Non-Hispanic Black 79,042 51,968 12,465 9,669
Another/Multiple 40,009 24,523 3,489 8,870
Hispanic/Latino 34,099 21,733 2,792 8,146
Asian/Pacific Islander 9,964 8,159 802 708
Unknown 61,255 32,596 11,914 13,440
Updated: 12/04/2020

Rate of Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity

Rate of Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity State of Delaware New Castle Kent Sussex
Hispanic/Latino 3,950.5 4,019.3 2,292.3 4,060.0
Non-Hispanic Black 3,765.8 3,749.3 2,814.3 3,582.2
Non-Hispanic White 3,217.2 3,324.6 2,174.5 3,076.9
Asian/Pacific Islander 2,678.5 2,651.2 2,247.8 2,478.1

Cases (State Of Delaware)

Latest Status

Total Positive Cases in State of Delaware

Total Positive Cases
38,398 408.8 per 10,000 people
Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities

Positive Cases by County

Venues Visited by Cases

Case counts broken down by participation in an event or visitation to an entertainment or recreational venue in the two weeks prior to COVID-19 symptom onset. These counts suggest potential exposure during the event/visit — they do not indicate virus contraction.

11/22/2020 - 11/28/2020

Total number of cases who reported participating in an event or visiting a venue in the two weeks prior to the onset of their symptoms (or if no symptoms, date of their test)
368 23%

of interviewed cases

1239 interviewed cases did not report participating in an event or visiting a venue

Top three venues per category

Venue category Case Count*
Beaches 25
Events 127
Religious service** 44
House party 24
Wedding 16
Entertainment and Recreational Places 216
Restaurant 107
Gym 30
Other tourist attraction 26

* Individuals who test positive are interviewed to determine the venues visited in the two weeks prior to the onset of their symptoms (or if no symptoms, date of their test). This information was used to calculate the data above. Counts do not necessarily suggest a degree of risk associated with these venues but may suggest the need for further investigation.

** Includes choir or singing practice.

Cases Who Visited Venues (Reported 11/22/2020 - 11/28/2020)


Positive Cases per 10,000 Population by Age Group

Updated: 12/04/2020

Rate of Cases by Age

Rate of Cases by Age & County

Age State of Delaware New Castle Kent Sussex
0-4 151.9 161.9 102.8 167.9
5-17 229.0 240.2 142.8 279.7
18-34 576.2 549.9 407.6 848.9
35-49 508.4 460.6 421.8 732.4
50-64 396.1 373.1 366.9 464.4
65+ 328.6 326.3 314.8 336.4
Updated: 12/04/2020

Rate of Cases by Sex

Rate of Cases by Sex & County

Sex State of Delaware New Castle Kent Sussex
Female 418.9 413.0 330.2 500.7
Male 387.6 368.4 314.8 489.9
Updated: 12/04/2020

Rate of Cases by Race/Ethnicity

Rate of Cases by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity State of Delaware New Castle Kent Sussex
Hispanic/Latino 854.8 771.8 482.8 1,297.8
Non-Hispanic Black 450.4 432.6 390.4 635.4
Non-Hispanic White 253.0 243.9 224.5 288.3
Asian/Pacific Islander 180.1 155.0 283.1 322.0

Count of Positive Cases by Age Group

Updated: 12/04/2020

Total Cases by Age

Total Cases by Age & County

Age State of Delaware New Castle Kent Sussex
0-4 833 (2%) 527 (2%) 113 (2%) 190 (2%)
5-17 3,403 (9%) 2,129 (10%) 423 (7%) 848 (8%)
18-34 12,241 (32%) 7,347 (34%) 1,694 (30%) 3,164 (29%)
35-49 8,655 (23%) 4,874 (22%) 1,304 (23%) 2,455 (23%)
50-64 7,774 (20%) 4,219 (19%) 1,221 (22%) 2,317 (21%)
65+ 5,492 (14%) 2,657 (12%) 896 (16%) 1,925 (18%)
Updated: 12/04/2020

Total Cases by Sex

Total Cases by Sex & County

Sex State of Delaware New Castle Kent Sussex
Female 20,525 (53%) 11,822 (54%) 2,990 (53%) 5,663 (52%)
Male 17,813 (46%) 9,904 (46%) 2,653 (47%) 5,214 (48%)
Unknown 60 (0%)
Updated: 12/04/2020

Total Cases by Race/Ethnicity

Total Cases by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity State of Delaware New Castle Kent Sussex
Non-Hispanic White 16,571 (43%) 8,737 (40%) 2,603 (46%) 5,212 (48%)
Non-Hispanic Black 9,453 (25%) 5,996 (28%) 1,729 (31%) 1,715 (16%)
Hispanic/Latino 7,378 (19%) 4,173 (19%) 588 (10%) 2,604 (24%)
Another/Multiple 2,120 (6%) 1,223 (6%) 274 (5%) 604 (6%)
Asian/Pacific Islander 670 (2%) 477 (2%) 101 (2%) 92 (1%)
Unknown 2,206 (6%) 1,147 (5%) 356 (6%) 672 (6%)

Outcomes (State Of Delaware)


Updated: 12/04/2020

Total Deaths by Age

Total Deaths by Age & County

Age State of Delaware New Castle Kent Sussex
0-4 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
5-17 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
18-34 13 (2%)
35-49 20 (3%)
50-64 102 (13%) 41 (11%) 25 (19%) 36 (14%)
65+ 647 (83%) 330 (86%) 105 (79%) 212 (80%)
Updated: 12/04/2020

Total Deaths by Sex

Total Deaths by Sex & County

Sex State of Delaware New Castle Kent Sussex
Female 401 (51%) 198 (51%) 66 (50%) 137 (52%)
Male 381 (49%) 187 (49%) 67 (50%) 127 (48%)
Updated: 12/04/2020

Total Deaths by Race/Ethnicity

Total Deaths by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity State of Delaware New Castle Kent Sussex
Non-Hispanic White 519 (66%) 251 (65%) 81 (61%) 187 (71%)
Non-Hispanic Black 195 (25%) 98 (25%) 47 (35%) 50 (19%)
Hispanic/Latino 53 (7%)
Another/Multiple 12 (2%)
Asian/Pacific Islander 2 (0%)
Unknown 1 (0%)