13,871 – laboratory-confirmed cases
2,534 – probable cases
105 – COVID-19 related deaths
The Wyoming Department of Health is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Disease symptoms, which may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure, include fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and new loss of taste or smell. Older people and those with certain health conditions have a higher risk of serious illness.
Experts believe COVID-19 spreads from person-to-person mainly through close contact. People without symptoms may spread the virus.
- Stay home when sick and avoid other people unless you need medical attention.
- Wear cloth face coverings in public settings, especially when physical distancing of at least 6 feet isn’t practical.
- Follow public health orders.
- People with a higher chance of getting seriously ill should avoid close-contact situations.
- Long-term care and healthcare facilities should follow infection control and prevention guidelines.
Wyoming Updates
(Weekday updates at 3 p.m. Weekend/holiday updates at 9 a.m.)
Tests resulted at Wyoming Public Health Laboratory: 97,967
Tests reported by commercial labs: 175,054
(Commercial labs are required to report positive results; negative results may not be reported consistently.)
Hospital Data
Learn more about COVID-19 hospital status as reported by hospitals.
Wyoming Travel
At this time there are no travel restrictions in Wyoming for U.S. travelers. Please review the considerations for U.S. travelers prior to your arrival and follow all public health orders during your visit.
If you are sick, please contact your healthcare provider. Wyoming residents with general questions about COVID-19 may send an email to wdh.covid19@wyo.gov.
Non-medical COVID-19 information is available by calling 2-1-1 or 888-425-7138.
Cumulative Cases by County
(First number is laboratory-confirmed cases; second is probable cases. Probable cases are close contacts of lab-confirmed cases with COVID-19 symptoms.
Albany 1,666 (173)
Big Horn 266 (32)
Campbell 1,381 (119)
Carbon 338 (37)
Converse 244 (139)
Crook 147 (13)
Fremont 1,557 (228)
Goshen 205 (36)
Hot Springs 51 (9)
Johnson 99 (45)
Laramie 1,723 (526)
Lincoln 347 (67)
Natrona 1,603 (423)
Niobrara 6 (23)
Park 807 (93)
Platte 136 (71)
Sheridan 769 (188)
Sublette 162 (49)
Sweetwater 642 (39)
Teton 889 (33)
Uinta 424 (118)
Washakie 169 (19)
Weston 240 (54)
Helpful Links
Learn more about coronavirus disease 2019 from the Centers from Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (CDC information includes prevention strategies, case counts, frequently asked questions and answers, travel guidance.)