What You Need to Know
UPDATE: Following a thorough safety review, the previously recommended pause for the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine has been lifted. All Wyoming providers may resume administration of this vaccine. WDH has made specific recommendations for providers about this vaccine available.
The vaccines are FREE.
- If you have insurance, your insurance can be billed for administration fees. No fees will be billed to you.
- If you do not have insurance, you will be able to get the vaccine and no fees will be billed to you.
The vaccines are SAFE.
- CDC has safety information and guidance to answer questions and help you prepare for vaccination.
The vaccines WORK!
- Are the vaccines safe?
- Do the vaccines work?
- Was vaccine testing rushed?
- Which vaccine should I get?
- Do I have to pay for a vaccine?
- Should I wait to get a vaccine?
- Should I get a vaccine if I am healthy?
- How do I get a vaccine in Wyoming?
- Do vaccines protect against variants?
- What are the side effects?

Additional Questions?
It’s normal to be cautious when something new comes along. Wanting to know more is a good thing. Learn more about how COVID-19 vaccines are authorized, how they keep us safe, why there is more than one and more.