Healthy Communities


COVID-19 Numbers | Alerts | Directives | Guidances | Resources | CDC Information

Please take steps to protect yourself. The ADH recommends:


Related: Click here for previous briefings.

Arkansas Department of Health Directives & Orders

May 22: Directive for Recreational Pool Reopening
May 18: Directive for Reopening of Casinos
May 18: Directive for Large Indoor Venues | Spanish
May 11: Directive on Resuming Elective Procedures, Phase II
May 11: Directive on Resuming Restaurant Dine-In Operations | Spanish
May 11: Directive on Resuming Elective Dental Services
May 8: Directive Regarding Prohibition of the Use of Non-FDA Approved Serologic Tests for the Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 Infections
May 8: Directive on Business Limitations
May 6: Directive for Barber Shops, Body Art Establishments, Cosmetology Establishments, Massage Therapy Clinics/Spas, and Medical Spas | Spanish
May 4: Directive for Large Outdoor Venues
May 4: Directive for Gym, Fitness Center, Athletic Club and Weight Room Reopening
April 27: Directive for Resuming Elective Procedures
April 17: Directive for Camps, Including Day and Overnight, and Places of Worship
April 17: Directive for Approval of Emergency Responder Activities
April 16: Directive Regarding the Use of Nucleic Acid Amplification Test for the Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Physician Offices, Urgent Care Settings and Pharmacies
April 3: Directive for Elective Procedures (UPDATE—see April 27, 2020 DIRECTIVE)
March 30: Directive for Casinos Extension
March 26: Directive for Limitations on Gatherings
March 23: Directive to Barbers, Body Art Establishments, Body Art Schools, Cosmetology Establishments, Massage Therapy Clinics/Spas, and Medical Spas
March 20: Directive for Schools, Government, Hospitals, Clinics, Restaurants, Gyms, and More
March 16: Directive to Limit Operations of Arkansas Casinos for Two Weeks (UPDATE - see March 30, 2020 DIRECTIVE)
March 16: Directive on Extension for EMS License Renewal
March 13: Directive for Limiting the Transmission of COVID-19 for Long-Term Care Facilities

ADH Guidances

Child Services
Health Care



COVID-19 Numbers

Updated as of 5/14/2020, 7:20 a.m.
*these data are provisional and subject to change. Updates are made once a day.
Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Arkansas 4,236

Click the Status Update Button Below for More Detailed Information

*These data are provisional and subject to change. Updates are made once a day.


Updated as of 5/14/2020, 7:20 a.m.
*these data are provisional and subject to change. Updates are made once a day.
Currently Hospitalized 64
Ever Hospitalized 509
Currently on Ventilator 13
Ever on Ventilator 100
Total Nursing Home Residents 316
Gender Male = 60.6%
Female = 39.1%
Age 0-17: 151
18-24: 359
25-44: 1,640
45-64: 1,414
65+: 672
Race Black: 1,579
White: 2,171
Hispanic: 234
American Indian: 11
Asian: 50
Pacific Islander: 65
Multiracial: 24
Other: 156
Missing: 180

ADH has activated a call center to answer questions from health care providers and the public about the novel coronavirus. During normal business hours (8:00am – 4:30pm), urgent and non-urgent calls, please call 1-800-803-7847 or email us.

Click here for a list of Local Health Units that are partially or fully closed. All other health units not listed are fully open. The list is subject to change on a day to day basis.


Public Health Accrediation Board
Arkansas Department of Health
© 2017 Arkansas Department of Health. All Rights Reserved.
4815 W. Markham, Little Rock, AR 72205-3867