Colorado’s call line for general questions about COVID-19, provides answers in many languages including English, Spanish (Español), Mandarin (普通话) and more.
303-389-1687 or
1-877-462-2911 (answers in English only)
CO-HELP operators cannot recommend whether or where you get tested, provide medical advice or help you with your prescriptions. They cannot provide testing results. They cannot clear you to go to work. If you are seeking help for anything other than general questions, please try a health care provider or nurse line.
March 18, 2020
The State is expanding testing to include a temporary site in Pueblo on Thursday, March 19. The Colorado National Guard and Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment are supporting these efforts.
March 17, 2020
Site features variety of informational resources, including case summary data visualization
March 17, 2020
Case investigation is in process to identify people who have been in close contact with the individuals who tested positive so that public health workers can reach out to those contacts in the next few days.