Colorado’s call line for general questions about COVID-19, provides answers in many languages including English, Spanish (Español), Mandarin (普通话) and more.
303-389-1687 or
1-877-462-2911 (answers in English only)
CO-HELP operators cannot recommend whether or where you get tested, provide medical advice or help you with your prescriptions. They cannot provide testing results. They cannot clear you to go to work. If you are seeking help for anything other than general questions, please try a health care provider or nurseline.
Looking for information in other languages?
We have fact sheets and public health guidance available for the following languages:
Colorado Volunteer Mobilizer (CVM) for Medical and Public Health Professionals.
Your involvement as a volunteer will help ensure that people or animals affected by a disaster will receive the public health and medical care they need. Registration in the on-line database is your first step in meeting this urgent need within Colorado and the nation.
We need your input.
Take this two-minute survey to help us respond more effectively to COVID-19.