Coronavirus (COVID-19) Data Dashboard

Kent County

A resource of COVID-19 data and facts for Delaware families and communities.

Kent County over the Last 14 Days

Case counts and test data by date of report can vary significantly from day to day for a variety of reasons. In addition to changes due to actual changes in disease incidence, trends are strongly influenced by testing patterns (who gets tested and why), testing availability, lab analysis backlogs, lab reporting delays, new labs joining our electronic laboratory reporting system, mass screenings, etc.

Updated: 05/27/2020

Percentage of Persons Who Tested Positive

Percent Who Tested Positive
Trend Line
Updated: 05/27/2020

New Positive Cases

New Cases
Trend Line
Updated: 05/27/2020

Cumulative Number of Positive Cases

Cumulative Number of Positive Cases
Updated: 05/27/2020



Kent County's Latest Status

Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 05/27/2020 12:43 PM.

Rate of COVID cases per 10,000 population

Positive Cases by Location

Kent County
1,374 78.0 per 10,000 people

Cases by County (Cumulative)

State of Delaware
Kent County


COVID-19 Testing

COVID Testing Rates per 10,000 Population

Total Tests in Kent County

Kent County
8,288 474.0 per 10,000 people

Testing by Race or Ethnicity

Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Tests by Race/Ethnicity

Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Tests by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Non-Hispanic White 2,945 22,462 9,603 8,694
Non-Hispanic Black 2,028 12,030 6,373 2,910
Hispanic/Latino 529 5,887 1,717 3,422
Another/Multiple 331 3,144 1,046 1,566
Asian/Pacific Islander 102 831 525 178
Unknown 2,353 11,067 4,528 3,135
Updated: 05/27/2020

Rate of Tests by Race/Ethnicity

Updated: 05/27/2020

Rate of Tests by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Non-Hispanic Black 457.9 573.2 459.8 1,078.1
Hispanic/Latino 434.3 682.0 317.5 1,705.5
Asian/Pacific Islander 285.9 223.4 170.6 623.0
Non-Hispanic White 254.0 343.0 268.1 481.0

Cases (Kent County)

Number of COVID-19 Positive Cases

Total Positive Cases in Kent County

Kent County
1,374 78.0 per 10,000 people

Demographic Breakdown of Cases

Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Cases by Age

Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Cases by Age & County

Age Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
107 (1%)
5-17 34 (2%) 420 (5%) 101 (3%) 283 (7%)
18-34 365 (27%) 2,377 (26%) 827 (23%) 1,174 (28%)
35-49 361 (26%) 2,336 (26%) 852 (24%) 1,107 (27%)
50-64 342 (25%) 2,113 (23%) 912 (26%) 848 (20%)
65+ 262 (19%) 1,743 (19%) 811 (23%) 656 (16%)
Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Cases by Sex

Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Cases by Sex & County

Sex Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Female 764 (56%) 5,001 (55%) 1,964 (56%) 2,237 (54%)
Male 603 (44%) 4,066 (45%) 1,559 (44%) 1,887 (46%)
29 (0%)
Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Cases by Race/Ethnicity

Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Cases by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Non-Hispanic Black 513 (37%) 2,430 (27%) 1,250 (35%) 655 (16%)
Non-Hispanic White 464 (34%) 2,645 (29%) 1,104 (31%) 1,069 (26%)
Hispanic/Latino 180 (13%) 2,518 (28%) 601 (17%) 1,735 (42%)
Another/Multiple 53 (4%) 465 (5%) 151 (4%) 253 (6%)
Asian/Pacific Islander 27 (2%) 135 (1%) 71 (2%) 37 (1%)
Unknown 137 (10%) 903 (10%) 351 (10%) 391 (9%)
Updated: 05/27/2020

Rate of Cases by Age

Updated: 05/27/2020

Rate of Cases by Age & County

Age Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
5-17 11.5 28.3 11.4 93.4
18-34 87.8 111.9 61.9 315.0
35-49 116.8 137.2 80.5 330.2
50-64 102.8 107.7 80.6 170.0
65+ 92.1 104.3 99.6 114.6
Updated: 05/27/2020

Rate of Cases by Sex

Updated: 05/27/2020

Rate of Cases by Sex & County

Sex Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Female 84.4 102.1 68.6 197.8
Male 71.6 88.5 58.0 177.3
Updated: 05/27/2020

Rate of Cases by Race/Ethnicity

Updated: 05/27/2020

Rate of Cases by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Hispanic/Latino 147.8 291.7 111.2 864.7
Non-Hispanic Black 115.8 115.8 90.2 242.7
Asian/Pacific Islander 75.7 36.3 23.1 129.5
Non-Hispanic White 40.0 40.4 30.8 59.1

Outcomes (Kent County)

Demographic Breakdown of Deaths

Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Deaths by Age

Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Deaths by Age & County

Age Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
0-4 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
5-17 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
8 (2%)
9 (3%)
50-64 15 (25%) 53 (15%) 18 (12%) 20 (16%)
65+ 44 (72%) 274 (80%) 133 (86%) 97 (76%)
Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Deaths by Sex

Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Deaths by Sex & County

Sex Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Male 34 (56%) 168 (49%) 79 (51%) 55 (43%)
Female 27 (44%) 176 (51%) 76 (49%) 73 (57%)
Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Deaths by Race/Ethnicity

Updated: 05/27/2020

Total Deaths by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Kent State of Delaware New Castle Sussex
Non-Hispanic White 33 (54%) 211 (61%) 96 (62%) 82 (64%)
Non-Hispanic Black 24 (39%) 85 (25%) 38 (25%) 23 (18%)
4 (1%)
23 (7%)
Asian/Pacific Islander
1 (0%)
20 (6%)

Outcomes over Time

Updated: 05/27/2020


Total count on 05/27/2020
rate per 10,000 people on 05/27/2020
Updated: 05/27/2020


Total count on 05/27/2020
rate per 10,000 people on 05/27/2020
Updated: 05/27/2020

Tested Negative

Total count on 05/27/2020
rate per 10,000 people on 05/27/2020
Tested Negative



Mitigation Status From Until Details
Declaring state of emergency Mar 12 Further Notice Announcement
Stay-at-home order Mar 22 Further Notice Announcement
Closure of all non-essential business Mar 22 Further Notice Announcement
Limiting gatherings to 10 individuals Apr 01 Further Notice Announcement
Requiring cloth face coverings in public Apr 28 Further Notice Announcement
Requiring cloth face coverings in businesses May 01 Further Notice Announcement