Coronavirus (COVID-19) Data Dashboard

Sussex County

A resource of COVID-19 data and facts for Delaware families and communities.

Sussex County's Latest Status

Data are current as of 6pm the previous day. Last update: 08/30/2020 6:16 PM.

Rate of COVID cases per 10,000 population

Positive Cases in Sussex County

Total Positive Cases
6,317* 331.0 per 10,000 people
*The Division of Public Health identified a data glitch that caused duplicate records to be included in the total number of positive cases displayed on Saturday, Aug. 29. DPH is working to address the issue by excluding duplicate records. As a result, the total number of positive cases decreased from the day prior.

Positive Cases in Comparable Location

Deaths in Sussex County

Total Deaths
195 5.6 per 10,000 people

Latest Status

Total Persons Tested per 10,000 Population

Total Persons Tested in Sussex County

Sussex County
58,035 2,643.5 per 10,000 people

Total Persons Tested in Comparable Location


Updated: 08/30/2020

Total Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity

Total Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Sussex State of Delaware New Castle Kent
Non-Hispanic White 30,681 103,611 55,868 11,424
Non-Hispanic Black 6,409 43,018 27,094 6,475
Hispanic/Latino 5,737 18,030 10,017 1,419
Another/Multiple 3,927 16,132 9,396 1,507
Asian/Pacific Islander 400 4,326 3,366 403
Unknown 10,881 49,544 24,841 10,432
Updated: 08/30/2020

Rate of Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity

Rate of Persons Tested by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Sussex State of Delaware New Castle Kent
Hispanic/Latino 2,859.4 2,088.9 1,852.6 1,165.0
Non-Hispanic Black 2,374.4 2,049.5 1,954.7 1,461.9
Non-Hispanic White 1,697.3 1,582.1 1,559.8 985.2
Asian/Pacific Islander 1,400.1 1,162.9 1,093.7 1,129.5

Cases (Sussex County)

Latest Status

Total Positive Cases in Sussex County

Total Positive Cases
6,317* 331.0 per 10,000 people
*The Division of Public Health identified a data glitch that caused duplicate records to be included in the total number of positive cases displayed on Saturday, Aug. 29. DPH is working to address the issue by excluding duplicate records. As a result, the total number of positive cases decreased from the day prior.

Positive Cases in Comparable Location


Positive Cases per 10,000 Population by Age Group

Updated: 08/30/2020

Rate of Cases by Age

Rate of Cases by Age & County

Age Sussex State of Delaware New Castle Kent
0-4 88.4 47.9 39.9 28.2
5-17 138.9 71.5 55.6 40.5
18-34 541.7 256.8 194.0 177.1
35-49 477.0 245.7 177.5 205.7
50-64 248.6 182.4 151.3 177.3
65+ 163.9 167.6 163.9 173.9
Updated: 08/30/2020

Rate of Cases by Sex

Rate of Cases by Sex & County

Sex Sussex State of Delaware New Castle Kent
Male 289.1 174.4 134.2 142.8
Female 285.6 189.8 157.9 154.8
Updated: 08/30/2020

Rate of Cases by Race/Ethnicity

Rate of Cases by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Sussex State of Delaware New Castle Kent
Hispanic/Latino 1,004.3 492.8 347.5 254.5
Non-Hispanic Black 410.5 215.0 178.3 196.6
Asian/Pacific Islander 161.0 62.1 45.5 123.3
Non-Hispanic White 126.7 93.2 74.4 89.9

Count of Positive Cases by Age Group

Updated: 08/30/2020

Total Cases by Age

Total Cases by Age & County

Age Sussex State of Delaware New Castle Kent
0-4 100 (2%) 263 (2%) 130 (2%) 31 (1%)
5-17 421 (7%) 1,062 (6%) 493 (6%) 120 (5%)
18-34 2,019 (32%) 5,455 (31%) 2,592 (32%) 736 (28%)
35-49 1,599 (25%) 4,183 (24%) 1,878 (23%) 636 (24%)
50-64 1,240 (20%) 3,579 (21%) 1,711 (21%) 590 (23%)
65+ 938 (15%) 2,801 (16%) 1,335 (16%) 495 (19%)
Updated: 08/30/2020

Total Cases by Sex

Total Cases by Sex & County

Sex Sussex State of Delaware New Castle Kent
Female 3,231 (51%) 9,300 (54%) 4,520 (56%) 1,402 (54%)
Male 3,077 (49%) 8,017 (46%) 3,608 (44%) 1,203 (46%)
26 (0%)
Updated: 08/30/2020

Total Cases by Race/Ethnicity

Total Cases by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Sussex State of Delaware New Castle Kent
Non-Hispanic White 2,290 (36%) 6,102 (35%) 2,664 (33%) 1,043 (40%)
Hispanic/Latino 2,015 (32%) 4,254 (25%) 1,879 (23%) 310 (12%)
Non-Hispanic Black 1,108 (18%) 4,512 (26%) 2,472 (30%) 871 (33%)
Another/Multiple 325 (5%) 799 (5%) 356 (4%) 101 (4%)
Asian/Pacific Islander 46 (1%) 231 (1%) 140 (2%) 44 (2%)
Unknown 533 (8%) 1,445 (8%) 628 (8%) 239 (9%)

Outcomes (Sussex County)


Updated: 08/30/2020

Total Deaths by Age

Total Deaths by Age & County

Age Sussex State of Delaware New Castle Kent
0-4 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
5-17 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
12 (2%)
15 (2%)
50-64 26 (13%) 76 (13%) 28 (9%) 22 (20%)
65+ 154 (79%) 501 (83%) 262 (87%) 85 (78%)
Updated: 08/30/2020

Total Deaths by Sex

Total Deaths by Sex & County

Sex Sussex State of Delaware New Castle Kent
Female 107 (55%) 318 (53%) 156 (52%) 55 (50%)
Male 88 (45%) 286 (47%) 144 (48%) 54 (50%)
Updated: 08/30/2020

Total Deaths by Race/Ethnicity

Total Deaths by Race/Ethnicity & County

Race/Ethnicity Sussex State of Delaware New Castle Kent
Non-Hispanic White 122 (63%) 369 (61%) 185 (62%) 62 (57%)
Non-Hispanic Black 42 (22%) 155 (26%) 73 (24%) 40 (37%)
9 (1%)
44 (7%)
Asian/Pacific Islander
1 (0%)
26 (4%)