- Total cases: 120 (14 new)
- Hawai’i County: 7 (2)
- Honolulu County: 87 (10)
- Kaua’i County: 5 (0)
- Maui County: 16 (2)
- Pending: 3 (0) | HI residents diagnosed outside of HI: 2 (0)

- Required Hospitalization: 8 (0)
- Hawaii deaths: 0 (0)
- Cumulative totals as of 12:00pm on
March 27, 2020 - Positive cases includes presumptive and confirmed cases, data are preliminary and subject to change; includes Hawaii residents and non-residents. Note that CDC provides case counts according to states of residence.
- Total cases: 85,356 (16,916 new)

- Total deaths: 1,246 (252new)
- Cumulative totals as of 12:00pm on
March 27, 2020
There have been 120 cases of COVID-19 identified in Hawaii. Of those cases, 7% have required hospitalization, and over 80% were residents returning from other areas. There have been no deaths. MORE

If you have symptoms or start to feel sick, stay at home and isolate yourself. Call ahead before seeing a doctor and notify them that you may have COVID-19.

Wash your hands often. Use soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Resources for clinicians: Get the latest updates on testing protocol and specific treatments for COVID-19 infection.