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COVID-19 Cases, Quarantine and Monitoring

Information about COVID-19 cases and residents subject to quarantine in Massachusetts, testing at the State Public Health Laboratory, and guidance for clinical laboratories.

Table of Contents

COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts

As of March 9, 2020*: COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts PDF | Doc

*This chart will be updated daily by 4 p.m.

Massachusetts residents subject to COVID-19 quarantine

Massachusetts residents subject to COVID-19 quarantine by current status as of March 3, 2020**  
Total of individuals subject to quarantine 719
Total of individuals who have completed monitoring (no longer in quarantine) 470
Total of individuals currently undergoing monitoring/under quarantine 249

**This chart will be updated each Wednesday by 10 a.m.  

Testing at the Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory

As of February 28, the Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory received approval to begin testing patients for COVID-19, in accordance with guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Clinicians who have patients they think may have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 who meet the current CDC definition of a Person Under Investigation can contact DPH to discuss their patients and receive authorization to submit specimens for testing. Testing at the State Public Health Laboratory will speed up obtaining test results for Persons Under Investigation and expedite ongoing testing of any confirmed case in recovery. For more information, view DPH's Statement on the start of COVID-19 testing by Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory.

Guidance for laboratories

DPH has outlined guidance for clinical laboratories regarding clinical and epidemiologic criteria for COVID-19, specimen collection, testing, and submission to the Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory: COVID-19 Guidance: Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory FAQ PDF | Doc
