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COVID-19 Cases, Quarantine and Monitoring

Information about COVID-19 cases and residents subject to quarantine in Massachusetts

Table of Contents

COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts

COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts as of April 14, 2020  
Confirmed cases of COVID-19 28,163

View case details and a summary of lab testing: 
COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts as of April 14, 2020 | Doc

This report will be updated daily by 4 p.m.

Please note: To protect privacy and confidentiality of individuals who test positive for COVID-19, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health only publicly reports positive case counts and deaths by county. The decision to share more detailed case counts by community rests with each city or town, based on the assessment of the situation in their own communities. DPH only asks local boards of health to respect the privacy and confidentiality of residents when providing community case counts.

Previous daily charts are available here: Archive of COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts

Additional COVID-19 response reporting

Massachusetts residents subject to COVID-19 quarantine

Massachusetts residents subject to COVID-19 quarantine by current status as of April 14, 2020*  
Total of individuals subject to quarantine 17,605
Total of individuals who have completed monitoring (no longer in quarantine) 8,118
Total of individuals currently undergoing monitoring/under quarantine 9,487

*Data are accurate as of 4/14/2020 at 5pm.

This chart will be updated each Wednesday by 12 p.m.
