COVID-19 Response Reporting

Daily and cumulative data on Massachusetts COVID-19 cases and testing, and weekly data on confirmed cases by city/town and residents subject to COVID-19 quarantine.

Table of Contents

COVID-19 daily data

Updated daily by 4 p.m.

COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts as of May 27, 2020  
Confirmed cases of COVID-19 94,220

The COVID-19 Dashboard includes daily and cumulative confirmed cases; cases by hospital, county, and age/sex/ethnicity; testing by date; deaths; hospital capacity and census; nursing home data; and PPE distribution.

Raw data used to create the dashboard is available here: COVID-19 Raw Data - May 27, 2020

Previous daily charts are available here: Archive of COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts

COVID-19 weekly data

Updated each Wednesday by 4 p.m.

The Weekly Public Health Report includes enhanced, more granular information to be updated on a weekly, or biweekly basis, including town-by-town case and testing information, cases and deaths in Long Term Care Facilities, updates on nursing facility audit results, and more. Read about this newly enhanced reporting in our press release. 

State-operated facilities and congregate care site data

The EOHHS COVID-19 Reporting includes data on Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) state-operated facilities and congregate care sites.
