- Michigan Data:
Cases by Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity Percentage of Overall Cases by Ethnicity Percentage of Deceased Cases by Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino 7% 2% Non-Hispanic Latino 64% 82% Unknown 29% 16% Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding
Cases by Arab Ethnicity Arab Ethnicity Percentage of Overall Cases by Ethnicity Percentage of Deceased Cases by Ethnicity Arab 2% 1% Non-Arab 38% 41% Unknown 60% 58% Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding
Public Use Datasets
Cases and Deaths by County 6/10/2020
Cases by County by Date 6/10/2020
Cases by Demographics Statewide 6/10/2020
COVID-19 Tests by County 6/10/2020
Diagnostic Tests by Result and County 6/10/2020