NOTE: Due to technical difficulties the Coronavirus Dashboard and Datasets will not be updated today.
*Note on new daily cases (08/21/20): Today’s number of new cases is less than expected due to a recent issue with the reporting of electronic lab results. A large number of received lab messages were improperly formatted and temporarily blocked some valid results from being processed and entered into the reporting system. This issue is currently being fixed. As the valid results enter the system over the next day or two, there will likely be higher than expected numbers of daily case counts. This lab result backlog should not affect the 7-day rolling average or the cases by date of onset in the dashboard data.
- Michigan Data:
Cases by Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity Percentage of Overall Cases by Ethnicity Percentage of Deceased Cases by Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino 8% 2% Non-Hispanic Latino 66% 83% Unknown 26% 14% Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding
Cases by Arab Ethnicity Arab Ethnicity Percentage of Overall Cases by Ethnicity Percentage of Deceased Cases by Ethnicity Arab 3% 1% Non-Arab 48% 45% Unknown 49% 53% Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding
Public Use Datasets 8/20/2020
(Downloadable .xlsx files)
Cases and Deaths by County by Date