Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page
Our most commonly answered questions can be found there, and are updated often.
Call the COVID-19 Hotline at 888-535-6136.
Learn how masks reduce the spread and
can help keep Michigan open.
The MI Safe Start Plan outlines how we are re-engaging the economy while keeping our communities safe.
The State of Michigan is working around the clock to test and treat COVID-19 patients. Below is the most recent data healthcare experts across the state have compiled. It is updated daily.
Total Confirmed Cases
Total COVID-19 Deaths
Daily Confirmed Cases
Daily COVID-19 Deaths
*Note on daily confirmed cases (7/26/20): As reported yesterday, messaging system issues resulted in the delay of laboratory result referrals from Friday evening through Saturday morning. The issue has been resolved and the back-logged referrals have been processed. Today’s new cases include a portion of referrals that would have appeared in Saturday's daily count, but had not been processed at the time of Saturday’s report.
Updated 7/26/2020
Apply for energy, health insurance, food & other assistance through MIBridges
Apply for unemployment assistance through the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency
Find COVID-19 Workplace Safety Guidance
The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention has more information at a federal level about COVID-19 and our current pandemic. Click the link below to access the federal government's information and resources.