Cases in Missouri: 2,722

Total Deaths: 39

Patients tested in Missouri (by all labs): approximately 31,654

As of 2:00 p.m. CT, April 6

Approximate update: 2:00 p.m., April 7

These data are provisional and will change daily. Investigations are being done on new cases, so as additional information is determined on these cases, information such as county, demographics, and the total counts will continue to change. Efforts are continually being made to improve data quality so that DHSS is providing the most accurate information possible.

Cases by Age Range

Age Range Number of Cases
Under 20 63
20-24 201
25-29 183
30-34 175
35-39 171
40-44 212
45-49 230
50-54 285
55-59 302
60-64 277
65-69 215
70-74 153
75-79 103
80+ 149
Unknown 3

Cases by Age

Deaths by Age Range

Age Ranges of Deaths Number of Deaths
Under 20 0
20-29 0
30-39 1
40-49 1
50-59 5
60-69 7
70-79 14
80+ 11

Travel or Contact Related Case Counts

Travel or contact to Confirmed Case Number of Cases
Travel 114
Contact 95
No Known Contact 9
Under Investigation 2513

"No Known Contact" means the investigation has occurred, and exposure was not identified.
"Unknown" means the investigation is incomplete or pending; exposure is not yet confirmed.

Biological Sex Data

Biological Sex Number of Cases
Male 1265
Female 1418
Unknown* 39

*Some results do not initially contain this information. It will be updated as it is received.


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