Age Number of Cases
Under 20 4134
20 894
21 987
22 868
23 908
24 868
25 827
26 818
27 784
28 783
29 761
30 743
31 699
32 693
33 624
34 647
35 621
36 623
37 617
38 616
39 590
40 605
41 506
42 547
43 530
44 507
45 547
46 497
47 546
48 535
49 611
50 559
51 589
52 555
53 542
54 508
55 563
56 527
57 544
58 575
59 533
60 534
61 502
62 478
63 461
64 458
65 366
66 406
67 334
68 356
69 299
70 322
71 307
72 304
73 268
74 238
75 228
76 226
77 241
78 203
79 200
80+ 2525
Unknown 65

Labs are required by the Missouri Code of State Regulations to immediately report positive COVID-19 test results. As commercial labs increase their capacity for testing, we will continue to receive results from them requiring immediate verification of patient data for each result. Prompt efforts to protect the public’s health depends on this verification. Patient data from commercial labs is preliminary and subject to change following initial public health involvement.