Age Number of Cases
0-9 1761
10-19 6985
20 1749
21 1752
22 1641
23 1623
24 1567
25 1493
26 1504
27 1448
28 1414
29 1397
30 1327
31 1236
32 1231
33 1150
34 1170
35 1138
36 1060
37 1125
38 1107
39 1095
40 1120
41 967
42 1019
43 1001
44 988
45 1036
46 962
47 1028
48 1049
49 1094
50 1043
51 1072
52 1024
53 1044
54 982
55 1043
56 991
57 1051
58 1025
59 961
60 960
61 902
62 858
63 868
64 837
65 701
66 712
67 610
68 631
69 604
70 586
71 542
72 553
73 500
74 427
75 412
76 398
77 448
78 385
79 357
80-84 1477
85-89 1256
90+ 1302
Unknown 165

Labs are required by the Missouri Code of State Regulations to immediately report positive COVID-19 test results. As commercial labs increase their capacity for testing, we will continue to receive results from them requiring immediate verification of patient data for each result. Prompt efforts to protect the public’s health depends on this verification. Patient data from commercial labs is preliminary and subject to change following initial public health involvement.